Zone of Silence
Presentation and lecture by Ángel Santiesteban
Wednesday 27 February at 6:00pm.
You can send text messages of support to the writer at:
53716460 53233726
You can follow the presentation live via Twitter @estadodesats
@AGRodiles @ailermaria @aimaraperez28 @solucioncuba
Place: Estado de Sats headquarters
Address: Ave 1ra % 46 y 60 #4606 . Miramar. Playa
Santiesteban by Pulido
The writer Ángel Santiesteban-Prats must report to prison on Thursday, according to his reports on Twitter.
The author, winner of the Casa de las Americas prize and keeper of the blog The Children Nobody Wanted, was sentenced to five years in prison for the alleged crimes of “housebreaking and injuries.”
More information can be found here.