Appeals of July 11th Sentences in La Guinera Leave High Prison Sentences Despite Reductions of up to 10 Years

14ymedio, Madrid, 15 June 2022 — The Supreme People’s Court (TSP) of Cuba has applied very significant reductions to the sentences of a group of convicts who appealed after being sentenced for the (11J (July 11th) demonstrations in the Havana neighborhood of La Güinera. The resolution, according to Diario de Cuba, provides for reductions of between 7 … Continue reading “Appeals of July 11th Sentences in La Guinera Leave High Prison Sentences Despite Reductions of up to 10 Years”

Five Young Cubans Arrested for La Guinera Protests are Released

14ymedio, Havana, 14 May 2022 — Five young people from La Güinera, in Havana, who received sentences for the popular protests of July 12, were released after an appeal, according to an announcement by the Cubalex Legal Information Center and the activist Salomé García. Those released had received sentences of between nine and 18 years in prison. … Continue reading “Five Young Cubans Arrested for La Guinera Protests are Released”

During the 11 July Protests the ‘Black Wasps’ Went Crazy Beating and Arresting Anyone in La Güinera

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Havana, 24 April 2022 — Everyone in La Güinera knows Dariel Cruz García as El Bolo and last July he joined a river of people who went out to protest in the streets of that Havana neighborhood. Now, his passion for soccer and for walks with his friends will have to wait because he … Continue reading “During the 11 July Protests the ‘Black Wasps’ Went Crazy Beating and Arresting Anyone in La Güinera”

“In La Guinera the Aggressions Began From the Side of Cuban Officialdom”

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Havana, 22 April 2022 — Until a few months ago, María Luisa Fleitas Bravo’s main concern was to repair the roof of her house in the Havana neighborhood of La Güinera, which was damaged by Hurricane Irma, but now her mind is occupied with another drama. Her son, Rolando Vázquez Fleitas, was sentenced to … Continue reading ““In La Guinera the Aggressions Began From the Side of Cuban Officialdom””

‘Dear Comrades’: Was it in Novocherkask, USSR, or in La Guinera, Cuba?

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Havana, 13 February 2022 — She is a militant  Party member, one of those who “bite,” but one day her daughter participates in a protest and from then on she has to see the ugliest side of the system: the repression, the arrests and the concealment of the truth. Her story could … Continue reading “‘Dear Comrades’: Was it in Novocherkask, USSR, or in La Guinera, Cuba?”

Confusion Around the Sedition Trials of the 15 La Guinera Protestors in Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 23 December 2021 — Great concern reigned this Thursday among the relatives of the 15 July 12th protesters in La Güinera, regarding the sentences of 12 to 30 years requested by the Prosecutor’s Office for the crime of sedition. According to the mothers interviewed by 14ymedio, the Havana court where the trial was … Continue reading “Confusion Around the Sedition Trials of the 15 La Guinera Protestors in Cuba”

Crime Without Punishment, the Death of a Young Man in La Guinera

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 15 August 2021 — More than a month after the popular protests in Cuba, the death of a young man shot by the police in the La Güinera neighborhood of Havana remains surrounded by doubts. The declassification of part of the investigation file reveals that the officer has not been charged and that there … Continue reading “Crime Without Punishment, the Death of a Young Man in La Guinera”

A Pharmacy in Holguín Is Stoned in Protest Against 15-Hour Blackouts

14ymedio, Holguín, Miguel García, 14 March 2024 — Popular discontent with the long blackouts is at the origin of several protests in the city of Holguín, where this Tuesday a pharmacy located at the intersection of Martí and Fomento streets was stoned. The event was confirmed to this newspaper by local sources, who also pointed … Continue reading “A Pharmacy in Holguín Is Stoned in Protest Against 15-Hour Blackouts”

Grand Master of Cuban Masons Assumes Responsibility for a Theft of 19,000 Dollars

14ymedio, Madrid, January 12, 2024 — The Masonic Grand Lodge of Cuba reported at the Zanja police station, in Central Havana, the loss of a sum of 19,000 dollars (more than five million pesos in the informal currency market) which were stolen from the safe of Mario Alberto Urquía Carreño, grand master and co-president of … Continue reading “Grand Master of Cuban Masons Assumes Responsibility for a Theft of 19,000 Dollars”

In the Cuban Province of Holguin, a Town of Potters Lives Outside the Law

14ymedio, Miguel García, Holguín, 12 November 2023 — The red earth is everywhere. Stuck to the soles of the shoes, tucked between the boards of the houses and also on the bricks that come out of the oven in the Cayo de Mayabe community, a small town of potters who work outside the law and … Continue reading “In the Cuban Province of Holguin, a Town of Potters Lives Outside the Law”

Cubans Return to a Hellish Night of Prolonged Blackouts Throughout the Country

14ymedio, Havana, 12 September 2023 — Hundreds of thousands of Cubans watched this Monday, in the middle of the darkness, the Electric Union (UNE) page on Facebook to stay informed about the prolonged blackout they endured when, suddenly, the electricity company itself shared a post and a promotional video that infuriated users. “Tonight, after the … Continue reading “Cubans Return to a Hellish Night of Prolonged Blackouts Throughout the Country”

Two Mothers of 11 July (11J) Prisoners Were Detained for a Few Hours Along with the Leader of the Ladies in White in Cuba

14ymedio/EFE, Havana, 5 December 2022 — The leader of the Cuban dissident collective Damas de Blanco [Ladies in White], Berta Soler, was arrested this weekend along with the mothers of two prisoners for the massive protests of July 11, 2021 (11J), the regime opponent Ángel Moya reported on Monday. Norabel Herrera and Marilin Cabrera managed to evade the … Continue reading “Two Mothers of 11 July (11J) Prisoners Were Detained for a Few Hours Along with the Leader of the Ladies in White in Cuba”

The Garrido Sisters, Convicted in Cuba for July 11th (11J), are ‘Plantadas’ and Demand their Freedom

14ymedio, Havana, September 20, 2022–Writer María Cristina Garrido, her sister Angélica, and activist Lizandra Góngora, arrested for their participation in the 11J protests [11 July 2021], announced on Tuesday their refusal to wear common prisoner uniforms and declared the start of a hunger strike. The prisoners signed a note from the women’s prison in Guatao, … Continue reading “The Garrido Sisters, Convicted in Cuba for July 11th (11J), are ‘Plantadas’ and Demand their Freedom”

Several Relatives of July 11th (11J) Detainees are Arrested at the Cathedral in Havana, Cuba

14ymedio, Havana, 1 August 2022–Several relatives of 11J (11 July 2021) detainees were arrested on Monday after conducting a peaceful protest at the steps of Havana’s Cathedral. The protesters have been identified as: Liset Fonseca Rosales, Marta Perdomo Benítez, Ailex Marcano Fabelo, Delanis Álvarez Matos, Saily Núñez y Wilber Aguilar, who were taken to the … Continue reading “Several Relatives of July 11th (11J) Detainees are Arrested at the Cathedral in Havana, Cuba”

Cuban journalist Camila Acosta is fined 1,000 pesos for reporting about 11J

14ymedio, Havana, May 27, 2022 — Camila Acosta has avoided  trial for an alleged crime of public disorder after paying a fine of 1,000 pesos imposed by State Security. The independent journalist, who was arrested for reporting on the protests of July 11 (11J) and had been under house arrest for 10 months, reported on … Continue reading “Cuban journalist Camila Acosta is fined 1,000 pesos for reporting about 11J”