14ymedio, Havana, 25 February 2017 — Human rights activist Juan Goberna Hernández was arrested around 9 am this Saturday when he left home to attend a meeting of the Inclusive Culture Network, a project to defend the rights of people with disabilities.
On Friday night Goberna, who is blind, was visited by two State Security agents to warn him that they would not allow him to attend the meeting. Two other agents named Brayan and Nacho were posted in a car from early Saturday to stop him if he persisted in his decision to go to the meeting.
In Aguada de Pasajeros, Goberna was taken from a bus on which he panned to travel to Havana to attend the meeting.
Minutes before his arrest Goberna told 14ymedio by phone that it was his “duty” and his “right” to participate in the activity.
So far it has not been possible to determine where he was taken.
The Network of Inclusive Culture tries to promote a greater sensitivity towards the treatment of people with disabilities, working to make visible the difficulties that such individuals face on a daily basis.
In addition to conducting workshops and seminars, members of the Network provide support and advice in cases of violations of rights to anyone in situations of vulnerability.