Many have manipulated the meaning of this word. I have always found its implications exceedingly annoying, as I have refused to be unconditional about anyone or anything. I ran into more than a few problems in my old workplace defending this position.
I remember one occasion, when I was questioned in my work by the secretary of the Party nucleus because, speaking precisely about unconditionality, I commented that I didn’t feel unconditional about anyone or anything, much less a man, because, being human, we are prone to make mistakes. I was talking about ideas, not leaders. I almost got fired.
Today, listening the shortwave, the controversy was raging on our neighboring Bolivarian country — Venezuela — because of the unfortunate pronouncements of high-ranking General Rangel, who said that the armed forces are unconditionally wedded to the politics of the president. He was forgetting that the only possible and honorable marriage is with the constitution of the country — adopted by the vast majority of the population — which he is obligated to defend, as demanded by democracy. This unconditional matrimony, in my view, is nothing more than a miserable concubinage.
November 13, 2010