Making a Piece of Patchwork Art / Rebeca Monzo

Rebeca Monzo working on a piece of patchwork.

Rebeca Monzo, 23 February 2016 — The first steps to creating a piece of patchwork:

Choose the work to be done and draw it on a piece of paper of the desired size.

With a raw canvas as background and assemble the different pieces of fabric.

Choose and have at hand the different kinds of fabric and thread, according to the work you are going to make.

Cut the different pieces of fabric (like a puzzle) and lay them on the canvas.

Once all the pieces are placed, baste them with short stitches to keep them in place.

Cut all the well-aligned edges of the work and wax them to avoid them fraying as your work the piece.

Unite all the different little pieces with your chosen stitch.

When you have finished decorate it with ribbons and beads according to the chosen work.

With this technique you can also make tapestries, belts, necklaces, pillows, quilts and many other articles.

Any work done by hand has great value today.

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