Total number of people living with HIV/AIDS: 18,261
Total foreigners detected: 675
Total Persons with HIV/AIDS: 8,660
Diagnosed 2012: 625
Total AIDS Cases: 3,765
People Living with HIV/AIDS: 6,982
Ambulatory Care System: 5,988
Total deaths: 1,434
Deaths from AIDS: 1,321
Deaths from Other Causes: 113
Children in the Study: 74
HIV-positive children: 16
Average Age of Most Affected: 20 – 24
Infected practicing transactional sex: 641, which is 7.3% of infected cases .
Province with greatest number of persons engaged in prostitution:
Las Tunas with 116 cases; 27.4 %
Holguin 138 cases; 17.5 %
Camagüey 130 cases;17 %
Cienfuegos 74 cases; 17 %
Isle of Youth 25 cases; 14.4 %
Santa Clara – Figure Unconfirmed
Santiago de Cuba – Figure Unconfirmed
Guantanamo – Figure Unconfirmed
Havana – Population cannot be estimated because of transience.
In 2012 in Cuba 108 HIV-positive women gave birth.
Major Causes of Death :
– Poor Adherence to Therapeutics
– Loss of Observation
– Late Diagnosis
Cuba keeps open a total of 3 Sanitariums from a total of 14 that existed from the 1980s through 2005.
Cuba today has a total of 6 Prisons for Prisoners with HIV/AIDS compared to one existing at the end of the 1990s in the city of Santa Clara.
With a varying criminal population, between 400-675 inmates have HIV/AID; fewer of them are women. One of the routes of infection is self-inoculation [in regular prisons to escape that prison environment].
Cuba offers Antiretroviral Treatment to about 5,000 people. They have a CD4 cell count below 350.
Cuba has never been able to reduce nor has it shown a reduction in the rate of diagnosis since the diagnosis of the first cases. This figure is constantly growing.
8 July 2013