On February 13, 2012, the sky was clear with temperatures lower than normal. The awakening of the citizens of the “Rosario” neighborhood in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo of the Cuban capital, is stunning, as the bakery and pastry shop in the town suddenly stopped working, leaving no supply for the population. Alfredo one of the neighbors who lives adjacent to the bakery, said, “It’s possible it was the noise that I felt at dawn, like a short circuit.” The administrator, alias “Chiqui,” explains that with the rainfall in the evening, the water leaking through the roof because of the poor condition of the roof of masonry caused a short circuit on a large-scale, as the oven and kneading machine, the only ones on the premises, were seriously affected.
A nearby source, a worker in the place, commented that conditions were bad and that what happened was not a surprise at all; it’s true that the ceiling was one of the causes, but the real one was a common water leak within the room where the machines are working and this created a constant humidity and where there is electricity, water is fatal. Those responsible for reviewing the machinery, gave the news that electrical wires from the oven and the motor of the mixer had burned and they were taking them to the workshop to re-encase them and that could take a week to 20 days.
Some other person murmured, “Then until they repair the engine there won’t be any bread!” and a great tumult was heard loudly from the crowd of people, so whoever said it remains anonymous. After several hours, the delegate arrives and explains that they were not going to run out of bread, for he had already spoken to the manager of the central bakery (who is responsible for meeting the demands of a bakery out of service) and that they will supply the demand of the affected population until they solve the problem in up to 20 days …
At 5:00 pm, the horses began arriving with carts full of plastic boxes with bread — the journey from the bakery to the central bakery and confectionery of “Rosario” is about 6 miles away — so they started from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm to give bread to the population and all were comfortable with the idea that this discomfort would be ended by the time promised by the workers in the maintenance shop.
15 February 2012