The translators are going to die laughing… / Garrincha Him: Cuba and the United States are going to sit down to talk about Human Rights. Her: Those poor translators are going to die laughing. Garrincha 31 March 2015 Share this:TweetRedditShare on TumblrEmail
In a Cuba with Internet / Garrincha Let me warn you: Don’t believe everything you see on the Internet. Why not, if I spent years believing everything I read in [the official government newspaper] Granma. Share this:TweetRedditShare on TumblrEmail
Here Lies a Cuban… / Garrincha Here lies a Cuban. He spent his life waiting for the appropriate place and time to say what he was thinking. From Garrincha Share this:TweetRedditShare on TumblrEmail
Garrincha… Fidel: I don’t like Yoani. Cuba [in red hat]: He must like me even less. By Garrincha — Gustavo Rodriguez Share this:TweetRedditShare on TumblrEmail