May, the month of flowers. In order to be in tune, and to pretend that everything runs smoothly and without bumps, cultivators and florists from Havana, Granma, Guantanamo and Santiago de Cuba participated this past weekend in the Festival of Flowers. According to what the press says, the objective of the event is to exchange experiences about the marketing and manufacture of flower arrangements. The newspaper report insists that the recently unveiled Festival of Flowers serves to show a new image of florists and to develop the culture of the use of flowers in society.
I don’t understand; for years they repeatedly nagged us that the culture of flowers was a bourgeois leftover and, to the contrary, flowers of yore are imported, beautiful for sure, but the price besides being prohibitive is in CUC. Do not let yourselves be confused, such a Festival is to please someone. Palace whim.
Translated by mlk.
6 May 2014