Reading the declarations formulated by Dr. Caballero in the newspaper Granma about the state of health of the dissident Fariñas, and the attention paid to it, I can only feel pain and embarrassment for others.
How is it possible that a gesture as selfless and courageous as the voluntary hunger strike of this dissident, be talked about as if he had just on a whim decided not to eat?
The only thing that Coco has called for all this very long time has been the release of twenty-five prisoners of conscience who are in poor health, and serving sentences passed down some years ago, simply because they dissent from the regime, and express it publicly.
Did they not think they could have saved all these costs they’re talking about having to incur to try to save the life of Fariñas, by simply agreeing to his fair request?
The life of this citizen, and the responsibility for his imminent death, as he himself expressed today, rests exclusively on the Cuban government.
Distinguished leaders, time is running out!