Miami, Florida, December, organization People in Need, based in The Czech Republic has launched the project EYE ON CUBA, a new interactive map which documents and geographically pinpoints the abuse of Human Rights in Cuba.
Through an intuitive interface the site shows the number of abuses committed in each of the Island’s provinces. Zooming-in geographically by using the zoom in (+zoom) or the zoom out (-zoom) buttons, the map is able to show in detail each particular case of abuse.
The search for information is simplified by the filters located to the right of the map which include categories such as Province, civil and political Rights, economic and social Rights and the victim’s gender and the authors of such crimes. The categories group multiple filters which can be added to one’s search criteria. The site also has a series of graphics which lists statistics and trends for the data entered, making the analysis much easier to comprehend.
From a technical point of view, the map is based on Google Maps’ application programming interface (API.) The information on the website’s data base is combined in real time with Google Maps geographical information in order to created a hybrid web application (mashup) which combines the usefulness of both functions.
The cases of abuse shown in the website are based on the exact documentation recorded for each existing case made by actual activists who work day in and day out on behalf of the protection and defense of Human Rights in the country.
Cuba is a signatory of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is a member of the United Nation’s Human Rights Council, but in spite of that, the government violates human rights and they refuse to acknowledge their defense as a legitimate activity, denigrating local Human Rights groups, harassing, beating and detaining in order to punish activists who try to document these abuses.
The project has as a principal objective helping Cubans exercise and demand their rights through the local initiatives which encompass all the Cuban provinces. On top of offering direct ground assistance, the protect helps bring awareness to the international community and bring international attention about the most flagrant cases of abuse.
The map does not reflect all the Human Rights cases of abuse committed in Cuba, but it does give a personal focus about each case and it does help stir public emotion with the victims’ stories.
Cubanet, December 9, 2013
Translated by: Adriana Correa