Many people want to do something to help the bloggers directly. The most important thing is to read them, talk about them, comment on their blogs, share their blogs with others, keep them IN THE PUBLIC EYE, which is a shield that helps to protect them.
If you want to help with a donation, one way to do that, from the comfort of your home, is to put money in their cell phone accounts. This allows them to KEEP communicating, Twittering, making and accepting calls and text messages within Cuba and overseas.
Update: As of 14 January 2011, the White House has announced that any American may send remittances to a Cuban, even if they are not related to each other. The limit is $500 per quarter. If you are interested in helping the bloggers in this way, you can find their emails on their individual sites and contact them about where you might send a remittance. Some of them have PayPal accounts.
Bloggers’ phone numbers are listed below; these will be updated if we get more numbers.
UPDATE: 5-8 December 2011: EZETOP – has a two for one special for Cuban recharges — they will double your minutes, and it is reported to be fast and confidential. {Update, this double recharge promotion has ended but keep on eye on the EZETOP; they repeat the promotion frequently.}
Here are the directions for another site:
- Go to
- Where it says “Elija su operador” (choose your provider), choose
Cubacel-CCom. - Choose an amount you would like to add.
- Put in the phone number of the person whose phone you would like to recharge. Put in the whole number, but with no “+” sign and no spaces.
- Put in YOUR OWN EMAIL (for the confirmation).
- Check the “Acepto” box and then click on RECARGAR.
- Follow the instructions on the next screen to add your credit card number and wait for confirmation by email.
Cell Phone numbers for Bloggers and Ladies in White
“Translating Cuba Bloggers” are in red type
Name | Mobile Phone Number |
Alejandrina (Dama de blanco) | +535 2737663 |
Berta (Dama de blanco) | +535 2906820 |
Ciro Díaz | +535 2662183 |
Claudia Cadelo (Octavo Cerco) |
+535 2666833 |
Coco Fariñas (Hunger Strike) |
+535 2415709 |
Dagoberto Valdés (Intramuros) |
+535 2636146 |
Elizardo Sánchez | +535 8931171 |
Eugenio Leal (Veritas) |
+535 2410542 |
Frank Paz | +535 2955060 |
Gisela Delgado | +535 2954883 |
Héctor Palacio | +535 2973426 |
Iván García (Ivan’s File Cabinet) |
+535 2662182 |
Joaquin Cabezas | +535 2404861 |
Jorge Luis Garcías (Antunez) (I will not shut up, I will not leave) |
+535 2731656 |
José Alberto | +535 3341878 |
Karina Galvez (Intramuros) |
+535 2842636 |
Katia Sonia (Kubasepia) |
+535 2457830 |
Laritza Diversent (Laritza’s Laws) |
+535 2415948 |
Luis Felipe Rojas (Crossing the Barbed Wire) |
+535 2771487 |
Miguel Iturria (Island Anchor) |
+535 2497472 |
Miriam Celaya (Sin Evasion) |
+535 2938042 |
Orlando Luis Pardo (Post Revolution Mondays) |
+535 3340187 |
Reinaldo Escobar (Desde Aqui/From Here) |
+535 2896812 |
Regina Coyula (Bad Handwriting) |
+535 323-6668 |
Rolando Lobaina | +535 3399783 |
Silvio Benítez | +535 2541300 |
Virgilio Toledo (Intramuros) |
+535 2654835 |
Wilfredo Vallín | +535 3149664 |
Yoani Sánchez (Generation Y) |
+535 2708611 |