Up To 12 Hours to Attend Medical Emergencies / Lilianne Ruiz

   HAVANA, Cuba, July 2013, www.cubanet.org.- When a Cuban family is afflicted by disease there are many who depend on the favor of some neighbor with a car to take them to the hospital. Moreover, the paramedics and nurses of the Comprehensive Emergency Medical System (SIUM) depend on the “thanks” for their patients to “resolve” a chance … Continue reading “Up To 12 Hours to Attend Medical Emergencies / Lilianne Ruiz”

Sugar with Weapons and Hidden Truths

I wasn’t there, but then they told me and later I read that on July 11 the Panamanian authorities stopped a North Korean freighter sailing through the Caribbean to the Panama Canal. Bear with me, but I think that with that name (Chong Chon Gang) would have stopped anyone; knowing that today the infamous and … Continue reading “Sugar with Weapons and Hidden Truths”

Prison Diary XXXIX: State Security — Factory of Detractors and Betrayers / Angel Santiesteban

Intent to discredit UNPACU (Patriotic Union of Cuba) The machinery of the Castro regime’s State Security creates detractors, traitors, and division among the opposition; this has historically been its most persistent work. We learned that to confront the designs of the Castro brothers, is to enter the hall where they teach the “instruments” of psychological … Continue reading “Prison Diary XXXIX: State Security — Factory of Detractors and Betrayers / Angel Santiesteban”

Raúl Castro: “The Table is Set for the United States” / Yoani Sánchez

On Thursday morning, the 26th of July was celebrated in Gunatanamo province. The 59th Anniversary of the assault on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Cespedes barracks went according to script with no great surprises. In Mariana Grajales Plaza in this eastern city, members of the government, local authorities and thousands of local people gathered. … Continue reading “Raúl Castro: “The Table is Set for the United States” / Yoani Sánchez”

“No one can doubt that totalitarianism will be dismantled.” / Antonio Rodiles

Antonio Rodiles Speaks to PenultimosDias.com about his arrest and detention at Oswaldo Payá’s funeral On July 24th, during Oswaldo Payá’s funeral, Antonio Rodiles, coordinator of the independent project Estado de Sats, was arrested by the police and held for almost 24 hours in the Police Station at Infanta and Manglar, in the Cerro neighborhood. Some … Continue reading ““No one can doubt that totalitarianism will be dismantled.” / Antonio Rodiles”

Do You Remember the Revolutionary Offensive of 1968? / Haroldo Dilla Alfonso

On March 13, 1968, Fidel Castro, in one of his miles-long speeches, announced to the Cuban people what he called “the Revolutionary Offensive*.” In reality, it had nothing revolutionary about it, on the contrary, it was an essentially counterrevolutionary measure intended to eliminate the urban petty bourgeoisie. And with it to eliminate one of the … Continue reading “Do You Remember the Revolutionary Offensive of 1968? / Haroldo Dilla Alfonso”

Why Doesn’t the Land Belong to Those Who Work It? / Dimas Castellanos

With the title “The Land Belongs to Those Who Work It,” the newspaper Granma published an editorial on May 17, in commemoration of “Peasant’s Day” from which I have selected three points that invite reflection. One: The Agrarian Reform was a basic need for economic liftoff. An affirmation that I share, since the concentration of … Continue reading “Why Doesn’t the Land Belong to Those Who Work It? / Dimas Castellanos”

Refoundation and Pluralism / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

It is true that José Martí founded a political organization, the Partido Revolucionario Cubano (Cuban Revolutionary Party), Fidel Castro founded the Partido Comunista de Cuba (Cuban Communist Party), and many people in our country and the world, just like them, have maintained their membership in the different institutions that they have erected so that from … Continue reading “Refoundation and Pluralism / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado”

Refoundation and Pluralism

It is true that José Martí founded a political organization, the Partido Revolucionario Cubano (Cuban Revolutionary Party), Fidel Castro founded the Partido Comunista de Cuba (Cuban Communist Party), and many people in our country and the world, just like them, have maintained their membership in the different institutions that they have erected so that from … Continue reading “Refoundation and Pluralism”

A Tarnished Revolution / Miguel Iturria Savón

Since the last week of December, the Cuban news media turned the propaganda time chart on the 52nd anniversary of the Revolution, whose reviled founders stayed in power and in the disgust of the population, submerged in silence and the routine of a half-century of slogans and promises. There was a Revolution but at these … Continue reading “A Tarnished Revolution / Miguel Iturria Savón”

Arrested on Sunday, the Leader of the Ladies in White, Berta Soler, is Released

The activist left the Aguilera station in Havana without charges or fines 14ymedio, Havana, 24 September 2024 — Almost three days passed before the police released Berta Soler on Tuesday morning. The leader of the Ladies in White was arrested on Sunday by State Security and her husband, former political prisoner Ángel Moya, repeatedly reported … Continue reading “Arrested on Sunday, the Leader of the Ladies in White, Berta Soler, is Released”

Ten Years in Prison for a Ration Store Administrator in Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, for Embezzling 200,000 Pesos

The official appropriated 24 beverage and food products, in addition to 6,000 liters of kerosene 14ymedio, Madrid, 27 September 2024 –The newspaper Escambray has again reported a conviction for embezzlement of a low-ranking official. The administrator of the La Riviera ration store in Sancti Spíritus was sentenced to 10 years in prison for appropriating of … Continue reading “Ten Years in Prison for a Ration Store Administrator in Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, for Embezzling 200,000 Pesos”

Cuban Feminists Confirm a New Femicide, the Second in a Week

The victim is Annelis Hernández Puerto, 47, who was allegedly murdered by her partner EFE/14ymedio, Havana, 24 September 2024 — The independent Cuban platforms Alas Tensas and Yo Sí Te Creo confirmed this Monday a new femicide on the Island, the second in a week. The victim is Annelis Hernández Puerto, 47, who was allegedly … Continue reading “Cuban Feminists Confirm a New Femicide, the Second in a Week”

The Cowardice of UNEAC, Cuba’s Writers and Artists Union

The history of the institution is a soap opera full of lynchings, expulsions, censorship and self-incriminations 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera, Madrid, 19 September 2024 — Last Sunday, Cuba’s official newspaper Granma published a pamphlet entitled “The Brave and the Cowardly.” It was obvious that the article referred to the reaction caused by the expulsion of … Continue reading “The Cowardice of UNEAC, Cuba’s Writers and Artists Union”