Cuban Hospitals Are Falling to Pieces and If They Repair Them, It’s With the Patients Inside / Lilianne Ruiz

Havana, Cuba, July 2, 2013 Lilianne Ruiz/ —  Ruben Benitez is not his real name. His real name is not used because he is a father and family man and afraid of losing his job. Doctor by profession he remains disconcerted by the death of his father which occurred in the Calixto Garcia hospital. According … Continue reading “Cuban Hospitals Are Falling to Pieces and If They Repair Them, It’s With the Patients Inside / Lilianne Ruiz”

The Son that Nobody Wanted / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

From Sampsonia Way Magazine. Since the end of the 1980s, Ángel Santiesteban has been known as one of the most brilliant writers of his generation. In this position he touches upon subjects that are pretty uncomfortable for Cuban political culture: The island’s military interference in Angola and Ethiopia, the genocide of people fleeing towards liberty … Continue reading “The Son that Nobody Wanted / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

The Summing up of the Helsinki Foundation / Mario Lleonart

To visit the site in Warsaw of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights on the afternoon of the historic June 4, anniversary of those first elections with which Poles inaugurated their new period of democracy; to be received there with so much emotion by its President Danuta Przywara, and to hear her from her own … Continue reading “The Summing up of the Helsinki Foundation / Mario Lleonart”

The Cuban Mega-Soap Opera / Fernando Damaso

Street Graffiti The mega-soap opera of the Five Spies, recycled as anti-terrorists and heroes, for years have occupied a lot of space in the national political programming. Structured for the seasons, in the best style of the soaps, they appear one after another, regardless of the actual audience. The main characters presented at the beginning … Continue reading “The Cuban Mega-Soap Opera / Fernando Damaso”

Some Considerations / Fernando Damaso

The 52nd National Baseball Championships ended with the triumph of the Villa Clara team, and after a few days passed, some considerations came to mind: most along political lines and a few with regards to baseball. I do not understand the presence of the flag of the 26th of July Movement next to the Cuban … Continue reading “Some Considerations / Fernando Damaso”

Leandro Cesar Mastrapa Igarza and Alexis Zayas Guillen were Ordained as Deacons/ Katia Sonia

The first two deacons of the Old Mission Church, Our Lady of Joy, in Cuba, were ordained by Monsignor Ricardo Santiago Medina Salabarría, Primate Bishop of this church in Cuba, at eight o’clock on the night of the Wednesday nineteenth of June of two thousand thirteen, in the Chapel (private) of “Immaculate Mary” of the … Continue reading “Leandro Cesar Mastrapa Igarza and Alexis Zayas Guillen were Ordained as Deacons/ Katia Sonia”

The Long-Awaited Glass of Milk / Alberto Mendez Castello

“On the evening of Friday, June 7, the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz received comrade Diosdado Cabello Rondon, President of the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela” Juventud Rebelde reported a few days ago. “The president of the Venezuelan Parliament,along with Fidel, made a brief tour of numerous crops … Continue reading “The Long-Awaited Glass of Milk / Alberto Mendez Castello”

Rosa Maria Lives / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Tomorrow, at dawn, Rosa Maria Paya returns to Cuba, just as she promised at the Havana airport two months ago. Her word, contrary to what is common in Cuba, is honest. Rosa Maria will return without bodyguards and without a media scandal, vulnerable and smiling, caressing her tireless cross, back to her already classic humble … Continue reading “Rosa Maria Lives / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Light and Liberty / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo from Sampsonia Way

The images of Oswaldo Payá and Harold Cepero covered the façade of Cuba’s diplomatic mission at New York City Read OLPL in English in Sampsonia Way here. Rosa María Payá is visiting the United States from April 3 to 16. She lives in Havana and is the daughter of Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas, the Cuban dissident … Continue reading “Light and Liberty / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo from Sampsonia Way”

12 Important Events for Cuba and Cubans in 2012 / Ivette Leyva Martinez

By Ivette Leyva Martínez Café offers for the consideration of its readers a selection of 12 events that affected Cuba and Cubans during the past year. The selection was made considering the impact of these events on the political, economic and cultural life of the country. They were organized chronologically, not according to relevance. It … Continue reading “12 Important Events for Cuba and Cubans in 2012 / Ivette Leyva Martinez”

Santiesteban: The Fundamentals of Law and Reasonable Doubt / Angel Santiesteban #Cuba

Wilfredo Vallín Almeida The case of the honored and prize-winning writer Angel Santiesteban Prats has been appealed to the Supreme Court by his defense attorney, using the right to appeal to the highest court in the land. In a previous post I analyzed the facts that were present in the case and now I will … Continue reading “Santiesteban: The Fundamentals of Law and Reasonable Doubt / Angel Santiesteban #Cuba”

The Castro Dynasty Turns 54 Years Old / Ivan Garcia #Cuba

January 1, 2013, the Castro brothers’ autocracy turns 54 years old. That leaves 20 years in order to equal the duration of a Communist Party in power, the CPSU, in the former Soviet Union. Only North Korea, China, Vietnam or Mexico with the PRI, have been governed longer with the same party. In the succession … Continue reading “The Castro Dynasty Turns 54 Years Old / Ivan Garcia #Cuba”

The Effect on My Life of the Death of Oswaldo Paya / Mario Lleonart

The sacrifice of the precious life of Oswaldo Jose Paya Sardinas and of so many other martyrs that have preceded him in this type of targeted assassination, far from terrorizing me, stimulates me to continue forward in my ministry which cannot exclude the condemnation of this despotic regime. When I said goodbye to my friend Juan … Continue reading “The Effect on My Life of the Death of Oswaldo Paya / Mario Lleonart”

A DEER IN CHAINS / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

The shortest monologue in the world has just been presented in a small room in Havana: “And where did Cuba end up?” (It is at the level of the short story “The Dinosaur” by the Guatemalan Augusto Monterroso.) Its name is Rhapsody for the Mule, and it is directed by Nelda Castillo for her theater … Continue reading “A DEER IN CHAINS / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo”

Amnesty International Calls for the Release of Antonio Rodiles — Letter Campaign, YOU CAN HELP RIGHT NOW

URGENT ACTION CUBAN MAN TARGETED FOR GOVERNMENT CRITICISM Government critic Antonio Rodiles has been charged with “resisting authority”. It is believed the charges may be used to punish and prevent his peaceful criticism of Cuban government policies. A coordinator of a civil society initiative calling on the government to ratify international human rights treaties, Antonio … Continue reading “Amnesty International Calls for the Release of Antonio Rodiles — Letter Campaign, YOU CAN HELP RIGHT NOW”