Who Controls the Cuban Economy?

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 31 October 2023 — It seems like a lie, but now we are entering a new phase. For communist leaders, it is already recognized that even though the blockade continues to be the main threat to the economy, “there are many potentialities in different places that are not yet exploited.” … Continue reading “Who Controls the Cuban Economy?”

The Foundations of the Unproductivity of Cuban Agriculture

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 28 October 2023 — We’re back to where we started. Talking for the sake of talking. Now the regime wants to tell us how to bring agricultural products from the field to the table. And the talking has been done by none other than the Minister of Agriculture, Ydael Pérez … Continue reading “The Foundations of the Unproductivity of Cuban Agriculture”

Cuban Authorities: Even Building 40,000 Houses Will Not Help the Housing Shortage in Ciego de Avila

14ymedio, Havana, 23 October 2023 —  At the end of September, with just four months left until the end of the year, 649 houses had been built in Ciego de Ávila, fewer than half of the 1,321 in the state annual plan for 2023. According to the official press, even building 40,000 homes would not … Continue reading “Cuban Authorities: Even Building 40,000 Houses Will Not Help the Housing Shortage in Ciego de Avila”

Cuban Authorities Blame the Failure of Banking Reform on Hard Currency Sellers

14ymedio, Havana, 27 October 2023 —  After turning a blind eye for decades to street currency sellers, the authorities have decided that this activity “hinders” the bancarización* [banking reform] decreed by the Government last August. On Friday, the official press reported a police raid in Sancti Spíritus against an “illegal cadeca” (exchange house run by individuals). Those … Continue reading “Cuban Authorities Blame the Failure of Banking Reform on Hard Currency Sellers”

A Son of Fidel Castro Defends the Cuban Regime on Social Media With Capitalist Arguments

14ymedio, Madrid, 12 October 2023 — It’s been a little over a month since Alexi Castro Soto del Valle, one of the children that Fidel Castro had with his last wife, Dalia Soto del Valle, opened an account on the social network X, where he maintains a remarkable level of activity dedicated to the active … Continue reading “A Son of Fidel Castro Defends the Cuban Regime on Social Media With Capitalist Arguments”

1,053 Athletes Have Fled Cuba in a Decade, 82 of Them So Far This Year

14ymedio, Havana, 6 October 2023 — “The migration of athletes and coaches has affected us,” acknowledged the general director of High Performance of the National Institute of Sport, Physical Education and Recreation (Inder), José Antonio Miranda, at the Round Table last Tuesday. From 2022 to September 2023, 191 athletes broke off their relationship with the … Continue reading “1,053 Athletes Have Fled Cuba in a Decade, 82 of Them So Far This Year”

Budgets, Prices and Economic Control, the Black Hole of the Castro Economy

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, October 3, 2023 — The Cuban communist state press, with its usual lack of transparency, addressed the issue of the 2023 state budgets that were approved before the highest governing body after the report on the process of implementing the State Budget in 2023 and the accountability of the Minister … Continue reading “Budgets, Prices and Economic Control, the Black Hole of the Castro Economy”

The Cuban Countryside Goes From Bad to Worse: Lack of Manpower and Low Productivity, the Communist Pairing

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 30 September 2023 — On a Cuban television program that usually deals with issues related to the economy, a surprising question was raised: Are we running out of workers in the field? Yes. You have heard correctly. Now it turns out that the Cuban countryside is having an employment problem, … Continue reading “The Cuban Countryside Goes From Bad to Worse: Lack of Manpower and Low Productivity, the Communist Pairing”

Emigrants Have Sent 52 Billion Dollars in Remittances to Cuba in the Last 30 Years

14ymedio, Madrid, September 19, 2023 —  Over the last three decades, Cuban emigrants have sent their relatives on the Island, a total of 52.252 billion dollars in remittances and another 50 Billion in consumer goods. The data is included in the most recent report by the organization Cuba Siglo 21, signed by academic Emilio Morales, who points … Continue reading “Emigrants Have Sent 52 Billion Dollars in Remittances to Cuba in the Last 30 Years”

Varadero Resort For Cubans ‘All Inclusive Scam’

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez and Olea Gallardo, Havana, 14 September 2023 – In the bus back home to Havana from Varadero, Manuel and his wife, like many other local tourists, talked about nothing else. Every one of them, though having stayed in different hotels, felt that they had been swindled; that despite the stratospherical amount … Continue reading “Varadero Resort For Cubans ‘All Inclusive Scam’”

Attention to Vulnerable Groups: Another Black Hole in Cuba

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 9 September 9, 2023 — The two refrains that the Cuban communists repeat ad nauseam fall apart in a spectacular way. The first, that “the United States crushes us with the embargo” sounds more and more like a hollow shell. The US sends Cuba more than 8 billion dollars a … Continue reading “Attention to Vulnerable Groups: Another Black Hole in Cuba”

Cuba’s Umpteenth Negotiation With the Paris Club for Non-Payments, Meanwhile Luxury Hotels Multiply

14ymedio, Madrid, 31 August 2023 — The future of Cuba’s 4.827 billion dollar debt with its Paris Club creditors is at stake today in Havana. According to the official press, William Roos, co-president of the institution, proposed establishing a new calendar in accordance with Cuba’s ability to pay after expressing that “there is understanding towards … Continue reading “Cuba’s Umpteenth Negotiation With the Paris Club for Non-Payments, Meanwhile Luxury Hotels Multiply”

The Regime Brings Out the Heavy Artillery Against El Toque

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 29 August 2023 — It was just what was missing. Faced with the bewilderment caused by a fall in the value of the Cuban peso with respect to all currencies, which pushes the economy into an abyss, the regime takes out of the hat in the state press a theory … Continue reading “The Regime Brings Out the Heavy Artillery Against El Toque”

Cuba’s State Telecommunications Monopoly Etecsa Sabotages Internet to Force Customers to Pay for Long-Distance Calls

The monopoly’s revenues have plummeted from $807 million in 2020 to $128 million in 2022 14ymedio, Havana, 24 August 2023 — The poor quality of international telecommunication connections in Cuba is an ongoing source of customer frustration. What no one suspected until recently is that this is a deliberate strategy by the state telephone monopoly … Continue reading “Cuba’s State Telecommunications Monopoly Etecsa Sabotages Internet to Force Customers to Pay for Long-Distance Calls”

Self-Employed in Cuba Will Pay in Eight Times More to Social Security

14ymedio, Madrid, 10 August 2023 — The countdown to the increase in the contribution of self-employed and cooperative members has begun and adapts to the new prices that arrived as a result of the Ordering Task.* Between October and December, all such workers must participate in the special social security regime that was approved in … Continue reading “Self-Employed in Cuba Will Pay in Eight Times More to Social Security”