The Grandchildren Of The Revolution Aspire To A Normal Life With Neither Utopia Nor Frustration / 14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez

14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Guatemala, 12 October 2016 – This will be the story of at least three stages my nation has lived through. Three moments when the young amassed hopes, collected frustrations and used their ingenuity to overcome obstacles along the way. Without this renewing energy and a capacity to defy the established, we would … Continue reading “The Grandchildren Of The Revolution Aspire To A Normal Life With Neither Utopia Nor Frustration / 14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez”

The True Support of the Majority of the People for the “Revolution” / Somos+, Pedro Acosta

Somos+, Pedro Acosta, 1 March 2016 — In any forum our highest leaders intervene in, they express the idea that the majority of the people support the regime, however… When the people, without excluding those who manifest being its followers, nor those militants of the PCC and the UJC, or leaders at all levels of the country, … Continue reading “The True Support of the Majority of the People for the “Revolution” / Somos+, Pedro Acosta”

The Energy Regression / Mario Barroso / Yoaxis Marcheco Suarez

By: Yoaxis Marcheco Suarez Two separate power outages last week, one on Monday from early morning until well past noon and the other on Tuesday night occupying the afternoon, made me reflect again on the subject that was so fashionable a few years ago while the eldest in the hierarchy still ruled over us. The … Continue reading “The Energy Regression / Mario Barroso / Yoaxis Marcheco Suarez”

Revolutionary Tax

It’s like a casino.  Pure gambling.  Cuban government economists don’t have to envy the financial wizard George Soros. Since October 25, 2004, when Fidel Castro levied an 18 percent tax on the U.S. dollar and 8 percent on other currencies, from this source alone Cuba has banked more than 600 million dollars a year in … Continue reading “Revolutionary Tax”

The Celebration of a Bloody Failure / Cubanet, Luis Cino

It is an aberration that the Moncada carnage, which began a nightmare that seems endless after 65 years of dictatorship, became a national holiday. Cubanet, Luis Cino, Havana, 26 July 2024 — A few days ago, writing in 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera recalled when Fidel Castro, appearing on a State TV “Roundtable” [Mesa Redonda] segment … Continue reading “The Celebration of a Bloody Failure / Cubanet, Luis Cino”

Diaz-Canel Inaugurates a Cuban-style ‘Hello President’ Program

14ymedio, Madrid, 22 March 2024 — “A big movement is beginning, like the one that was made in the Energy Revolution,” Cuba’s Minister of Energy and Mines, Vicente de la O Levy announced in the first edition of the program Desde la Presidencia, a kind of Cuban “Hello President,” with Miguel Díaz-Canel as host and … Continue reading “Diaz-Canel Inaugurates a Cuban-style ‘Hello President’ Program”

Cooking Gas Is Also Lacking In Cuba

Ivan García, 26 May 2023 — The National Highway running through Matanzas province divides Los Arabos municipality in two directions. On the left, a town of just over 23 thousand inhabitants, cracked streets, and wagons pulled by horses that in their tiresome trot leave their poop on the main road. On the right, a handful … Continue reading “Cooking Gas Is Also Lacking In Cuba”

For the Government, the Problem of Light is ‘Complex’; For Cubans It’s Unbearable

14ymedio, Havana, 19 July 2022 — The fire in unit 2 of the Lidio Ramón Pérez plant in Felton (Mayarí) has been “a hard blow” for the Cuban electrical system, and repairing it “will not be a quick process. It will take us at least more than a year to recover that boiler and put … Continue reading “For the Government, the Problem of Light is ‘Complex’; For Cubans It’s Unbearable”

New Blackouts Are Announced and Cubans Get More Desperate Every Day

14ymedio, Havana, 30 September 2021 — More blackouts, more citizen complaints and the same excuses from officialdom. The Cuban Electricity Union (UNE) announced this Thursday that there would be power outages on the island due to a “deficit in generation.” According to a note published in the official press, on Wednesday night there were blackouts “due … Continue reading “New Blackouts Are Announced and Cubans Get More Desperate Every Day”

In Cuba, No Dollars, No Light Bulbs

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 8 February 2021 — The light bulb began flickering and two days later it was dead. Nena, a retiree in Central Havana who was using her old Singer sewing machine at the time, knew the darkened room was not a good sign. For more than a year, stores in Havana have … Continue reading “In Cuba, No Dollars, No Light Bulbs”

Sancti Spiritus Returns to Cooking With Firewood Due to the Shortage of Liquefied Gas

14ymedio, Mercedes García, Sancti Spíritus | 16 December 2020 — A race against time is taking place in the streets of Sancti Spíritus. Before January 1st, families want to stock up on products that will increase in price on that date; liquified gas in particular, an alternative for cooking in the face of rising prices … Continue reading “Sancti Spiritus Returns to Cooking With Firewood Due to the Shortage of Liquefied Gas”

‘Queen Pots’ and Fans Return to Sancti Spiritus Stores

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Sancti Spíritus, 6 July 2020 — A number written on the forearm, several days of waiting and the uncertainty of whether they will be able to buy a fan, this is how customers experience the reopening in Sancti Spiritus of the sale of household appliances. After weeks in which only food … Continue reading “‘Queen Pots’ and Fans Return to Sancti Spiritus Stores”

From ’Protoplin’ to Sugarcane Juice

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Desde Aqui, Havana, 28 May 2020 — It was in the 1980s, durng one those trips to the provinces which I took as a journalist for the magazine Cuba International, accompanied by the Luis Manuel Fernández, better known as Pirole.  In the midst of the boredom of those hotels with no diversions, … Continue reading “From ’Protoplin’ to Sugarcane Juice”

The Covid-19 Crisis in Cuba, Days 62 to 66: Monetary Trinity

14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Havana, 26 May 2020 – Yesterday I went to bed in a country with dual currency system and today I woke up to the news that we already have a trinity. Little by little, the greenbacks have been gaining space in the Cuban reality and this May 22 the Official Gazette published a resolution that extends … Continue reading “The Covid-19 Crisis in Cuba, Days 62 to 66: Monetary Trinity”

In the Streets of Bogota, Thousands of Venezuelans Barely Survive

14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Bogota, 15 February 2020 – There are three of them and they are sitting on a wall in front of a restaurant in the Chapinero neighborhood. The girl is restless and the mother tries to keep her from walking into the busy avenue. Meanwhile, the father asks for money. He is about 20 years … Continue reading “In the Streets of Bogota, Thousands of Venezuelans Barely Survive”