Last Episode of This Cuban Electoral System / Dimas Castellano

Dimas Castellanos, 7 September 2017 — The Cuban electoral system includes general elections every five years for deputies to the  National Assembly of People’s Power and delegates to provincial elections, as well as partial elections every two and a half years for district delegates and municipal assemblies. During this month the nomination of candidates corresponding to a new … Continue reading “Last Episode of This Cuban Electoral System / Dimas Castellano”

The New Electoral Guardians

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 4 September 2017 — The Cuban elections have several publicized trademarks, among them the presence of children dressed in the school uniform to guard the polls. These Pioneers* confirm with a salute when the voter deposits their vote, in contrast to the armed soldiers who in the Republican past prevented the theft … Continue reading “The New Electoral Guardians”

Edison Lanza and the Lack of Press Freedom in Cuba / Somos+, Karla Pérez González

Somos+, Karla Pérez González, 28 August 2017 — Edison Lanza, Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH), shares his vision on what is happening in Cuba regarding the violation of a series of elementary rights, already surpassed by the majority of systems that govern the continent. The … Continue reading “Edison Lanza and the Lack of Press Freedom in Cuba / Somos+, Karla Pérez González”

Regime Strengthens Efforts to Avoid Surprises in Legislative Elections / Juan Juan Almeida

Juan Juan Almeida, 3 August 2017 — The Cuban government is again relying on a proven strategy in an attempt to avoid surprises on October 22 when voters go to the polls to elect delegates to the various local and national legislative bodies, which will in turn be responsible for electing the president of the … Continue reading “Regime Strengthens Efforts to Avoid Surprises in Legislative Elections / Juan Juan Almeida”

The Maleconazo, Cuba’s First Popular Revolt, Happened 23 Years Ago / Iván García

Ivan Garcia, 6 August 2017 — Havana, 4 August 1994. Amidst the suffocating heat, 12-hour blackouts, the devalued currency, and the scarcity of food, the sensations felt on the streets of Havana 23 years ago had reached the breaking point. Frustration and social malaise were in full bloom. People sat on the corners making plans … Continue reading “The Maleconazo, Cuba’s First Popular Revolt, Happened 23 Years Ago / Iván García”

By Show of Hands

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 21 July 2017 — In recent weeks, the official media have spared no space to explain the details of the Cuban electoral system, which they call “the most democratic in the world.” However, the infographics, data and explanations published so far neglect details that “firmly maintain” the mechanisms to avoid surprises. Between … Continue reading “By Show of Hands”

Nominating Commission That Will Propose Replacement for Raúl Castro is Sworn In

14ymedio, Havana, 30 June 2017 — The swearing in, today, of the National Nominating Commission (CCN) before the National Electoral Commission is a decisive step that makes it clear that the upcoming elections will be held under the provisions the electoral law of 1992 and not by the new legislation promised by Raúl Castro in … Continue reading “Nominating Commission That Will Propose Replacement for Raúl Castro is Sworn In”

Marta’s List

14ymedio, Miriam Celaya, Havana, 23 May 2017 — Her grey hair and blue eyes suggest a picture of a grandmother out of a children’s story, but Marta Cortizas is actually a native of Havana who, after emigrating to the United States, found a way to be useful to her countrymen. From her apartment in Kendall … Continue reading “Marta’s List”

Volunteer Blood Donors Ignore The Cuban Regime’s Business Dealings / Iván García

Iván García, 6 March 2017 — A sloppy piece of cardboard painted with a crayon announces the sale of a discolored house in the neighborhood of La Vibora, 30 minutes by car south of Havana. If Amanda, the owner, who is raving poor, manages to sell the house for the equivalent of 40,000 dollars, she … Continue reading “Volunteer Blood Donors Ignore The Cuban Regime’s Business Dealings / Iván García”

Luxury and Excess in Socialist Cuba / 14ymedio, Marta Requeiro

14ymedio, Marta Requeiro, Miami, 26 February 2017 – I don’t know how my mother managed always to know a little more about my friends and their customs, and even those of the neighbors, because her limited time did not allow her to gossip; but she continually warned me that things are not always as they … Continue reading “Luxury and Excess in Socialist Cuba / 14ymedio, Marta Requeiro”

Cuban Double Agent Fears for His Life after Revealing His True Identity / Juan Juan Almeida

Juan Juan Almeida, 27 February 2017 — Luis Enrique Cepero García was an opponent of the Cuban regime serving a sentence in the Combinado del Este prison when he decided to infect himself with a disease rather than continue being subjected to mistreatment in prison. Given his state of health, Luis Enrique was transferred and imprisoned … Continue reading “Cuban Double Agent Fears for His Life after Revealing His True Identity / Juan Juan Almeida”

Havana Mobilizes For The Liberation Of The Spy Ana Belén Montes

14ymedio, Zunilda Mata, Havana 27 February 2017 – This Tuesday, a campaign launches in Cuba for the liberation of Ana Belén Montes, a former intelligence analyst for the United States Defense Intelligence Agency, condemned for espionage and considered a “prisoner of conscience” by the government of Havana. The initiative includes concerts, conversations, and publications on … Continue reading “Havana Mobilizes For The Liberation Of The Spy Ana Belén Montes”

‘Little Old Communists’ / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 25 February 2017 — Many of those who experienced the first moments of the Revolution when they were between the ages of 14 and 20, became literacy teachers, young rebels, militiamen, cederistas (supporters of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution) and federadas ( ‘federated’, i.e. supporters and activists of … Continue reading “‘Little Old Communists’ / 14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar”

Informers Approved by the Cuban Government / Iván García

Ivan Garcia, 10 February 2017 — Seven years ago, when the roar of the winds of a hurricane devastated Havana and the water filtered through the unglazed living room door of Lisvan, a private worker living in an apartment of blackened walls which urgently needed comprehensive repairs, his housing conditions did not interest the snitches … Continue reading “Informers Approved by the Cuban Government / Iván García”

A Million Dollar Business Run by Fidel Castro’s Son / Juan Juan Almeida

Juan Juan Almeida, 6 February 2017 — Officials, students, athletes, workers, members of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, foreign journalists and even tourists. Almost all have been victims of a flagrant, illicit operation authorized by the Cuban government. It is a business that involves millions, one that the Castro family is not inclined … Continue reading “A Million Dollar Business Run by Fidel Castro’s Son / Juan Juan Almeida”