Chief of Cuba’s Eastern Army, General Agustin Pena, Dies of Covid in the Middle of the Tense Situation

14ymedio, Havana, 18 July 2021 — The head of the Eastern Cuban Army Agustín Peña (1963) died this Saturday of causes that were not specified, according to the Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), although some close sources point to Covid-19 as the cause of his death. A television report this Sunday, lamenting the … Continue reading “Chief of Cuba’s Eastern Army, General Agustin Pena, Dies of Covid in the Middle of the Tense Situation”

Marxism Disappears From the Central Report of the Cuban Communist Party Congress

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 19 April 2021 — A cursory glance at the central report to the Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba could be reduced to the fact that the most significant were the limits imposed on the reforms and the disappearance in the text of any allusion to Marxism-Leninism, underlined by … Continue reading “Marxism Disappears From the Central Report of the Cuban Communist Party Congress”

Cuba: Taking Control of Your Own Health in Times of Rampant Inflation

14ymedio, Havana, 15 April 2021 — Among sales kiosks run by the military, a private seller of spices in the Youth Labor Army market on Tulipán Street seems to have found the formula to prevent his premises from becoming a parliament of complaints to the “Ordering Task” and the rise of food prices, which have … Continue reading “Cuba: Taking Control of Your Own Health in Times of Rampant Inflation”

The Public and Private Debate and the Cuban Communists

Elias Amor Bravo, Economist, 19 March 2021 — The Cuban communists have decided not to settle for applying the absurd ideas they have regarding economic affairs within the island, but now, whenever they can, they try to impose them in international forums when they have the floor. Exactly what they do not do in Cuba … Continue reading “The Public and Private Debate and the Cuban Communists”

Act of Repudiation Against a Family in Havana for Painting ‘Patria y Vida’ on the Wall of Their House

14ymedio, Havana, 22 February 2021 — The activist Anyell Valdés Cruz and her family were victims this Monday of an act of repudiation in which Kirenia Pomares, the mayor of Havana’s Arroyo Naranjo municipality, State Security agents and other people participated. The rally included slogans, posters and graffiti on the facade of the house to erase … Continue reading “Act of Repudiation Against a Family in Havana for Painting ‘Patria y Vida’ on the Wall of Their House”

Hundreds of Undercover Agents Monitor People Waiting in Line in Havana

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, December 27, 2020 — Two men in civilian clothes approached a police car on Havana’s Infanta Street on Saturday morning to report on the people in line. These days hundreds of such undercover agents monitor people waiting in lines, on the lookout for anyone making “counterrevolutionary comments.” The informants are … Continue reading “Hundreds of Undercover Agents Monitor People Waiting in Line in Havana”

In Cuba, If You Trade a Bottle of Shampoo for a Packet of Coffee, You Go to Jail

14ymedio, Mercedes García, Sancti Spíritus, 6 November 2020 — “I will trade a bottle of shampoo for a packet of coffee,” Mileidy Martínez, a resident of the city of Sancti Spíritus, wrote on her Facebook account. Three hours later, the police searched her house and took her into custody, according to a report to this … Continue reading “In Cuba, If You Trade a Bottle of Shampoo for a Packet of Coffee, You Go to Jail”

In Havana Stickers Will be Put on the Houses Suspected of Having Covid Cases

14ymedio, Havana, 20 October 2020 — Havana authorities will reinforce the surveillance of the homes where people live who are suspected of having Covid-19, or who might be contacts of positive cases. The capital’s Provincial Defense Council (CDP) insisted on this Monday, calling for “efficient home isolation of contacts and suspected cases.” The local press is reporting … Continue reading “In Havana Stickers Will be Put on the Houses Suspected of Having Covid Cases”

The Birth of a Definition: The Historic Generation

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 4 October 2020 — This October 3rd marked the 55th anniversary of the creation of the first Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party. The selection of this hundred people followed a scrutiny that only allowed those who had had some participation in the uprising against the previous dictatorship to be promoted, as … Continue reading “The Birth of a Definition: The Historic Generation”

At the Gates of Varadero, the Town of Santa Marta is Still in Quarantine

14ymedio, Roma Díaz, Santa Marta (Cárdenas), 14 September 2020 — The streets of Santa Marta, a few kilometers from the tourist center of Varadero, have been deserted since the quarantine was decreed on August 27 after 58 days without a single positive case for Covid-19. Despite the fact that the governor of Matanzas, Mario Sabines … Continue reading “At the Gates of Varadero, the Town of Santa Marta is Still in Quarantine”

Still on Base in Havana

14ymedio, Havana, September 1, 2020 — Tuesday morning in Havana was marked by an unusual silence in the early hours, especially in neighborhoods near main thoroughfares like Rancho Boyeros. The decrease in vehicular traffic produced a dawn without the usual din of car engines and with cleaner air due to the drop in carbon dioxide emissions … Continue reading “Still on Base in Havana”

Hiding the Lines, a New Strategy to Conceal the Shortages in Cuba

The new directive now is for stores to ‘disguise’ their lines (14ymedio)14ymedio, Havana, 18 August 2020 — Lines continue to be the common denominator for the vast majority of Cubans. Line up for the bank, line up for the market, line up for the pharmacy, line up for everything. In front of each store there is a line. And now, … Continue reading “Hiding the Lines, a New Strategy to Conceal the Shortages in Cuba”

The Castro Regime Declares War on the ‘Coleros’

Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, August 4, 2020 — The Regime designed by Fidel Castro has been based historically on informing, pitting Cubans against each other. The Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDRs) were created to accomplish this mission. Denouncing deviant, non-revolutionary behavior was the slogan, so that then the authorities could take punitive … Continue reading “The Castro Regime Declares War on the ‘Coleros’”

Without Water There Won’t be Squash in Urban Gardens

14ymedio, Marcelo Hernández, Havana, July 14, 2020 – Boris grows cucumbers, some varieties of garlic and aromatic herbs on the patio of his house in La Lisa, Havana. He says he’s preparing “for what’s coming, which will be hard,” so he’s filled about 20 plastic containers, which used to hold paint, with a little earth … Continue reading “Without Water There Won’t be Squash in Urban Gardens”

Violating Private Correspondence: Routine At Correos de Cuba

14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Generation Y, Havana, 13 July 2020 — The envelope was placed over our apartment’s mailbox. The postman never rang the bell, no one alerted us that there was a letter to collect, but there it was. My first feeling was surprise, and then relief that, finally, and after months without receiving even a telegram, … Continue reading “Violating Private Correspondence: Routine At Correos de Cuba”