Raul Castro’s Distorted Memory

14ymedio, Elías Amor Bravo, Valencia, 1 January 2021 – The newspaper Granma, on December 31st of this cursed 2020, presents us the testimony of Raúl Castro published in the book El pueblo cubano, from the collection La Naturaleza y el Hombre, by Antonio Núñez Jiménez. I do not know if it is their intention – as it was with his brother … Continue reading “Raul Castro’s Distorted Memory”

The Perfect Storm: San Isidro and Currency Unification

14ymedio, Jorge Hernández Fonseca, Havana, 27 December 2020 — The abolition of the Cuba’s dual currency system is, as we all know, essential to the development of a healthy economy on island. It is a reform the Communist nomenklatura has said it will adopt but which it is reluctant to undertake for fear of losing the … Continue reading “The Perfect Storm: San Isidro and Currency Unification”

Among the Lines / Regina Coyula

Regina Coyula, 27 December 2020 — “Among lawyers you see yourself,” that curse from the movies, would be readapted for Cuba as “Among the lines you see yourself,” exact, comprehensive. I’m going through paperwork, a brutal exit after the isolation of the pandemic. But in addition to the exercise of patience, long hours of waiting are … Continue reading “Among the Lines / Regina Coyula”