‘El Sexto’ Will Stay In The US But Will Continue To Fight Against Arbitrary Detentions In Cuba

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 15 May 2017 — The artist Danilo Maldonado, known as ‘El Sexto’ (The Sixth), announced his desire to reside in the United States, although he will remain attentive to what happens in Cuba to be able to denounce the arbitrary detentions. Maldonado, whose girlfriend, Alexandra Martinez, is a US citizen, declined to respond … Continue reading “‘El Sexto’ Will Stay In The US But Will Continue To Fight Against Arbitrary Detentions In Cuba”

Police Raid Rafters’ Homes Looking for a Boat Stolen From the Army

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 26 April 2017 — Cuban police are searching for a boat stolen from the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) and to find it they are raiding houses of former rafters, according to Solainy Salazar, whose husband tried to leave the island several times. That was the justification given by the authorities, including several … Continue reading “Police Raid Rafters’ Homes Looking for a Boat Stolen From the Army”

“Being A Teacher Is Not Profitable In Cuba But It Teaches You To Love”

14ymedio, Caridad Cruz/Mario Penton, Cienfuegos/Miami, 17 April 2017 – teaching children cursive writing and educating them is much more than a job for Adrian, an elementary school teacher in Ciego de Avila. His threadbare pants stained with chalk dust make clear that he is not one of those most favored by the economic changes on the … Continue reading ““Being A Teacher Is Not Profitable In Cuba But It Teaches You To Love””

A Small Cuban Town Lives With The Anguish Of The Disappearance Of 13 Rafters

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 14 April 2017 — Juana Chiroles will never forget December 26, 2015. It was the last day she saw her son and her two nephews. As night fell the young men told her they were going to kill some pigs and had a rope and several implements. They never returned home. Some … Continue reading “A Small Cuban Town Lives With The Anguish Of The Disappearance Of 13 Rafters”

Cuba Stops Sending Doctors To Brazil For Fear Of Defections

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 14 April 2017 – Cuba just suspended the sending of a group of 710 health professionals who would have worked on the “More Doctors” mission in Brazil, our of fear of desertions, according to a report from the Brazilian press informed by that country’s Ministry of Health. The decision not to … Continue reading “Cuba Stops Sending Doctors To Brazil For Fear Of Defections”

Warning to the Repressors: “We Are Watching You”

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 31 March 2017 — The Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FDHC) launched its new program Artists For Rights in Miami on Friday and sent a strong message to the Cuban government’s “repressors”: You are being watched and your actions will not go unnoticed. The artistic project seeks to sensitize artists … Continue reading “Warning to the Repressors: “We Are Watching You””

Cuba Holds World Record For Visa Applications Rejected By The United States

14ymedio, Luz Escobar/Mario Penton, Havana/Miami, 25 March 2017 – Maria, 59, has a daughter in Miami she hasn’t seen for six years. Her visa applications have been denied three times and she promised herself that she would never “step foot in” the US consulate in Havana again. Cuba is the country with the most denials … Continue reading “Cuba Holds World Record For Visa Applications Rejected By The United States”

With A Pension Of 240 Pesos, Raquel Survives Thanks To The Trash

14ymedio, Luz Escobar/Mario Penton, Havana/Miami, 6 March 2017 — At age 67, struck by old age and a miserable pension, Raquel, an engineer “trained by the Revolution,” scavenges among the garbage for the sustenance of each day. Her hands, which once drew maps and measured spaces where promising crops would grow, are now collecting cartons, cans … Continue reading “With A Pension Of 240 Pesos, Raquel Survives Thanks To The Trash”

Wet Foot-Dry Foot Policy for Cubans Eliminated

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 12 January 2017 – [Note: This is an extended version of an article that appeared earlier today.] The Obama administration ended the “wet foot/dry foot” policy that allowed Cuban citizens to stay in the the United States as long as they touched land in that country. The Obama administration has also … Continue reading “Wet Foot-Dry Foot Policy for Cubans Eliminated”

14ymedio’s Most Read Stories of 2016

This list of most-read articles presents an interesting window into 2016-in-Review, at least in the eyes of 14ymedio‘s readers. Fidel Castro Sent My Father to the Firing Squad; I Do Not Regret the Tyrant’s Death / Ileana de la Guardia Read it Here The Ancient Dictator Died Long Ago / Miriam Celaya Read it Here Away From … Continue reading “14ymedio’s Most Read Stories of 2016”

Cubans Hold a Vigil at the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador to Ask for Humanitarian Visas / 14ymedio

14ymedio, Mario Penton, Miami, 13 June 2016 –Hundreds of Cubans held a vigil Sunday night outside the Mexican embassy in Ecuador to ask Mexico to grant them humanitarian visas that would allow them to continue their journey to the United States. The event, attended by Cuban migrants from various parts of the country, had been called … Continue reading “Cubans Hold a Vigil at the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador to Ask for Humanitarian Visas / 14ymedio”

Thank You, ’14ymedio’, For Making Me a Journalist

Making a newspaper is not easy at all. Doing it from Cuba is even more complicated 14ymedio, Mario J. Pentón, Miami, May 23, 2024 — The first time I heard about Yoani Sánchez was on the midday news on Cuban television. Mariuska Díaz, the announcer, called her a “cyberterrorist” and an enemy of the country. … Continue reading “Thank You, ’14ymedio’, For Making Me a Journalist”

A Total of 95,500 Cubans Have Received the U.S. ‘Humanitarian Parole’

This April, 17,870 migrants from the Island entered U.S. territory; in the first four months of the year, 81,191 entered 14ymedio, Havana, May 17, 2024 — Up to 95,500 Cubans have benefited from the Humanitarian Parole Program promoted by the Biden administration since its entry into force in January 2023. Of these, up to April, … Continue reading “A Total of 95,500 Cubans Have Received the U.S. ‘Humanitarian Parole’”

Blackouts of More Than 12 Hours in Cuba, Hopeless Heat, Lack of Fuel and Out-of-Service Power Plants

14ymedio, Havana, May 8, 2024 — There was no need for the Electric Union of Cuba (UNE) to say this Wednesday, in its usual forecast, that yesterday “the service was affected due to a deficit of generation capacity for 24 hours.” The inhabitants of a third of the Island were able to feel it in … Continue reading “Blackouts of More Than 12 Hours in Cuba, Hopeless Heat, Lack of Fuel and Out-of-Service Power Plants”

The United States Rules Out Negotiating Cuba’s Removal From the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism

U.S. official Brian Nichols accused Nicaragua of using migration as a “weapon” against the countries of the region 14ymedio, Havana, 1 May 2024 — The United States, in its talks with Cuba, continued to demand the release of political prisoners. This was one of the points addressed by both countries during the meeting last month, … Continue reading “The United States Rules Out Negotiating Cuba’s Removal From the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism”