Alina Bárbara López and Jorge Fernández Arrested for ‘Challenging’ Home Confinement

14ymedio, 20 August 2024 — The historian Alina Bárbara López Hernández and the journalist Jorge Fernández Era were detained this Sunday, once again, by State Security after having “challenged” the home confinement measures that have been arbitrarily imposed on them. The arrests of the Cuban intellectuals were carried out separately as reported by themselves and … Continue reading “Alina Bárbara López and Jorge Fernández Arrested for ‘Challenging’ Home Confinement”

A Private Company Is Hired in Havana To Collect Mountains of Accumulated Garbage

People must deposit solid waste in designated areas starting at 6:00 p.m. 14ymedio, Havana, 21 August 2024 — Havana’s municipality of Cerro has turned to a private company to collect the mountains of garbage that have accumulated for months in the streets. In the area, one of the most densely populated in the Cuban capital, … Continue reading “A Private Company Is Hired in Havana To Collect Mountains of Accumulated Garbage”

A 28-Year-Old Woman and Her Father Were Murdered in a Town in Ciego De Ávila, Cuba

The death of the young Yumary Morales Guerra was reported as a femicide by the Observatory of the magazine Alas Tensas 14ymedio, Havana, July 30, 2024 — A new case of femicide was registered in Cuba in a multiple murder. Yumary Morales Guerra died after being attacked by her ex-partner in the town of Suferry, … Continue reading “A 28-Year-Old Woman and Her Father Were Murdered in a Town in Ciego De Ávila, Cuba”

Cuba’s Private Sector Fears the Government Will Not Let Them Have U.S. Bank Accounts

Manuel Marrero’s announcements have generated both pessimism and uncertainty, the last thing the private business sector wants 14ymedio, Madrid, 29 July 2024 — Fear has quickly spread among the island’s small business owners who, just a few months ago, were looking forward to a modest thaw in relations between Cuba and the United States. Prime … Continue reading “Cuba’s Private Sector Fears the Government Will Not Let Them Have U.S. Bank Accounts”

A North Korean Defector Believes That ‘Establishing Relations With Cuba Is the Best Thing Seoul Did’

He says that the approach “was a model example of how the tides of history have changed and where a normal civilization of the international community is heading” 14ymedio, Havana, 1 August 2024 — “Establishing relations with Cuba was the best thing that South Korea did,” said the former North Korean diplomat Ri Il-gyu, who … Continue reading “A North Korean Defector Believes That ‘Establishing Relations With Cuba Is the Best Thing Seoul Did’”

Cuban Migrants Are Anxiously Waiting in Chiapas To Request Their CBP One Appointments

14ymedio, Ángel Salinas, Mexico City, 8 August 2024 — Last Friday, in the company of his sister and uncle, the Cuban Yeison Cedeño López went to the offices of the Mexican Refugee Assistance Commission (COMAR) of Tapachulas, in the state of Chiapas, to apply for asylum from the Mexican Government. The officials, however, warned him … Continue reading “Cuban Migrants Are Anxiously Waiting in Chiapas To Request Their CBP One Appointments”

Maduro Leads a “Narco-State” and It Is Difficult for Him To Surrender Power, According to Nobel Peace Prize Winner Óscar Arias

Panama reiterates that it is willing to give asylum to Maduro to solve the crisis EFE (via 14ymedio), Douglas Marín, San José / Panama City, 9 August 2024 — Nicolás Maduro “leads a narco-state,” a “dictatorship,” and it is difficult for him to surrender power, the former president of Costa Rica and Nobel Peace Prize … Continue reading “Maduro Leads a “Narco-State” and It Is Difficult for Him To Surrender Power, According to Nobel Peace Prize Winner Óscar Arias”

In Addition to Chicken, Cuba Imports Sugar, Coffee, Televisions and Vehicles From the U.S.

14ymedio, Havana, 9 August 2024 — Cuba imported agricultural products and food from the United States in the month of June for a value of $34.9 million, 31% more than in May, when the amount was $26.4 million. On the other hand, compared to June 2023, the figure decreased by 5.8%. The data were published … Continue reading “In Addition to Chicken, Cuba Imports Sugar, Coffee, Televisions and Vehicles From the U.S.”

Cuba’s State Newspaper Granma Repeats Fidel Castro’s Advice to Hugo Chávez: ‘Don’t Resign! Don’t Give Up!’

María Corina Machado says that Maduro has the support only of Venezuela’s high military command, “very reduced” 14ymedio, Madrid, August 8, 2024 — The Cuban ruling press remains committed to supporting the position of Nicolás Maduro’s regime regarding the result of the elections in Venezuela, criticized by a large part of the international community, including … Continue reading “Cuba’s State Newspaper Granma Repeats Fidel Castro’s Advice to Hugo Chávez: ‘Don’t Resign! Don’t Give Up!’”

Eight Cuban Rafters Who Were Shipwrecked After an Illegal Exit From Pinar Del Río Are Still Missing

14ymedio, Havana, August 7, 2024 — Amaury Miguel Suárez Torres and his stepfather were the only survivors of the shipwreck of a raft in which, along with nine other Cubans, they sailed on July 14 from La Coloma beach, in Pinar del Río, heading to the United States. Rescued by the Cuban authorities, both have … Continue reading “Eight Cuban Rafters Who Were Shipwrecked After an Illegal Exit From Pinar Del Río Are Still Missing”

The Prosecutor’s Office Investigates Machado for “Instigating Insurrection” With Her Letter to the Venezuelan Military

The United States does not yet recognize González Urrutia as president of Venezuela, but it does recognize him as the winner of the elections 14ymedio/EFE, Madrid/Caracas, 6 August 2024 — The Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office announced on Monday that it will open a criminal investigation against María Corina Machado and the opposition presidential candidate, Edmundo González … Continue reading “The Prosecutor’s Office Investigates Machado for “Instigating Insurrection” With Her Letter to the Venezuelan Military”

The Authorities Are Blamed for the Deaths of 95 People in Cuba Over the Last Five Years

14ymedio, Havana, 9 February 2024 — At least 382 Cubans were victims of police violence between 2018 and 2023. Of these, 95 people died as a result of confrontations with the authorities, denial of medical care or excessive use of force, according to a report published Friday by the Cuban Observatory for Human Rights (OCDH) and … Continue reading “The Authorities Are Blamed for the Deaths of 95 People in Cuba Over the Last Five Years”

Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office Threatens María Corina Machado by Accusing Her of a Plan To Invalidate the Election Results

Venezuela’s Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, warned that he will be monitoring any act that intends to initiate an escalation of violence EFE (via 14ymedio), Caracas, July 29, 2024 — The Prosecutor’s Office of Venezuela announced on Monday the opening of an investigation into an alleged plan of people linked to the majority opposition to … Continue reading “Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office Threatens María Corina Machado by Accusing Her of a Plan To Invalidate the Election Results”

In 2023 There Were 110 Trials for Femicides in Cuba, Which Appear To Be on the Rise

The government has still not provided the number of femicides per year, let alone updated it. 14ymedio, Madrid, 2 August 2024 — Cuban authorities continue to conscientiously guard the data on women killed by male violence, but Thursday’s publication of the number of femicides prosecuted in 2023 shows an alarming figure. In a single year, … Continue reading “In 2023 There Were 110 Trials for Femicides in Cuba, Which Appear To Be on the Rise”

Concerned About the Risk of a New Exodus of Venezuelans, Colombia Asks for ‘Transparency’

The crisis for several countries of the continent has been exacerbated. Mexican President López Obrador sees no “evidence of fraud” and criticizes the “interventionism of the OAS.” 14ymedio, Havana, July 31, 2024 — The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, who had taken care to make statements about last weekend’s Venezuelan elections, finally expressed his official … Continue reading “Concerned About the Risk of a New Exodus of Venezuelans, Colombia Asks for ‘Transparency’”