‘Whoever Sets Prices in Cuba Has Never Gotten Up at Two in the Morning to Milk a Cow’

The Cuban State pays 15,000 pesos for an animal, processes it and sells it for 60,000 pesos, denounce the producers. IPS* (via 14ymedio), Havana, 18 September 2024 — Producers in Cuba’s agricultural sector consider that when it comes to producing and marketing food products such as milk and meat, Resolution 275/2024 of the Ministry of … Continue reading “‘Whoever Sets Prices in Cuba Has Never Gotten Up at Two in the Morning to Milk a Cow’”

Despite the Capped Prices, Year-on-Year Inflation in Cuba Exceeds 30 Percent

The Hanke index, which measures prices based on the dollar, places the increase at 42% 14ymedio, Madrid, 16 September 2024 — Price controls on private sales in Cuba, in force since mid-July, may be behind the containment of the consumer price index this August. Official data show that last month, general inflation barely rose by … Continue reading “Despite the Capped Prices, Year-on-Year Inflation in Cuba Exceeds 30 Percent”

Cuban Activist Jorge Cervantes Is Exiled, Forced by the Regime To Choose Between “Banishment or Prison”

He did not reveal which country he is in and explained that the authorities took him directly to the plane 14ymedio, Madrid, September 12, 2024 — The Cuban regime forced Cuban activist and former member of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu), Jorge Cervantes García, into exile last Tuesday. As the opponent himself revealed on … Continue reading “Cuban Activist Jorge Cervantes Is Exiled, Forced by the Regime To Choose Between “Banishment or Prison””

Alina Bárbara López Expelled From UNEAC for Criticizing the ‘Top Leadership of the Revolution’

The decision was communicated to her personally during a meeting at the Provincial Committee of the organization in Matanzas. 14ymedio, Havana, 13 September 2024 — The Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) expelled historian Alina Bárbara López on Thursday, a sanction – insignificant, in her opinion – in which the intellectual sees the … Continue reading “Alina Bárbara López Expelled From UNEAC for Criticizing the ‘Top Leadership of the Revolution’”

Castroism’s Interference in Venezuela

Hugo Chávez’s entering the Government turned Venezuela into the most loyal lackey of Castroism. 14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, 18 August 2024 — The totalitarian system that Cuba suffers and that threatens Venezuela if Nicolas Maduro and his henchmen are not removed from the government, has always been strongly attracted to the land of the liberator. … Continue reading “Castroism’s Interference in Venezuela”

The New Bet of the Cuban Regime To Stop the Tourism Debacle: ‘Peace and Security’

Faced with the decline in visitors from Canada and Europe, the Government tries to attract more Russians and Mexicans 14ymedio, Madrid, 6 September 2024 — Cuba is wrapping up its first tourism law, which should be approved in December 2025. The news broke this Thursday in Montevideo when the Observatory of Tourism Law of the … Continue reading “The New Bet of the Cuban Regime To Stop the Tourism Debacle: ‘Peace and Security’”

Fifteen Years Waiting For A Food Store In Cayo de Mayabe

This July 26th the residents of the ceramicists’ community of Holguín didn’t have their dream fulfilled 14ymedio, Miguel García, Holguín, 27 July 2024 – The residents of Cayo de Mayabe, a village in the district of Holguín, have spent more than 20 years asking for the construction of a food store that would allow them … Continue reading “Fifteen Years Waiting For A Food Store In Cayo de Mayabe”

For the United States, Cuba ‘Is Not a Strategic Issue,’ but It Bets on Its ‘Implosion’

Former Cuban ambassador to Washington, José Ramón Cabañas, describes the relationship between the two countries as “a war scenario” EFE/Juan Palop (via 14ymedio), Havana, August 26, 2024 — Cuba is used to “sailing in turbulent waters,” says José Ramón Cabañas, director of the official Center for Foreign Policy Research (CIPI) of Cuba, when asked in … Continue reading “For the United States, Cuba ‘Is Not a Strategic Issue,’ but It Bets on Its ‘Implosion’”

A Dozen Cuban Political Prisoners Are at Risk of Suicide

After Yosandri Mulet Almarales’ death, NGOs warn of the risk this kind of prisoner is facing in the island’s prisons 14ymedio, Madrid, 3 September 2024 — Three “suicidal ideation events”, three self-harming events and six attempts to take one’s own life have been registered by the Cuban Prison Documentation Center (CDPC in Spanish) since January … Continue reading “A Dozen Cuban Political Prisoners Are at Risk of Suicide”

Closed for Months, the Coppelia in Cienfuegos Is Now Open a Few Hours a Day, Until the Ice Cream Runs Out

“They limit you to one flavor option and the portion sizes keep getting smaller” 14ymedio, Julio César Contreras, Cienfuegos, 31 August 2024 — Cuba’s Coppelia ice cream parlors are a stark reminder of country’s current economic crisis. Created shortly after Revolution to provide a sense of prosperity and abundance, the outlets, which can be found … Continue reading “Closed for Months, the Coppelia in Cienfuegos Is Now Open a Few Hours a Day, Until the Ice Cream Runs Out”

Canada Publishes an Alert About Dengue Fever in Cuba, ‘Which Can Be Deadly’

The main tourist market on the Island registers a slight drop this year after two previous warnings 14ymedio, Havana, 1 September 2024 — For the third time in less than a year, the Government of Canada has published a warning, now about the increase in dengue fever, targeting its nationals traveling to Cuba. The two … Continue reading “Canada Publishes an Alert About Dengue Fever in Cuba, ‘Which Can Be Deadly’”

Mexico Receives Cuban Minister of Health and a New Group of 200 Doctors From the Island

1,550 of the 5,000 doctors hired by the López Obrador government have already arrived. 14ymedio, Mexico City, 23 August 2024 — the arrival, on Wednesday, of some 200 Cuban doctors at Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA), there are now almost 600 specialists from the island sent to Mexico in just 20 days. Two similar groups … Continue reading “Mexico Receives Cuban Minister of Health and a New Group of 200 Doctors From the Island”

Neither Military Coup Nor Revolution, Elections

We came to realize that Fidel Castro’s cynicism and evil knew no limits. Nevertheless, a large sector of the population glorified him. 14ymedio, Pedro Corzo, Miami, 28 July 2024 — I have friends who defend the military coup of 10 March 1952, led by General Fulgencio Batista. Others do the same with Fidel Castro’s attack … Continue reading “Neither Military Coup Nor Revolution, Elections”

With the Beginning of the School Year, Cuban Families Fear the Spread of the Oropouche Virus

Official data minimize the presence of the disease and admit only a few severe cases of the Oropouche virus 14ymedio, Madrid, 29 August 2024 — There is concern on the Island after the director of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health, Francisco Durán, spoke on Wednesday of a “considerable increase” in cases … Continue reading “With the Beginning of the School Year, Cuban Families Fear the Spread of the Oropouche Virus”

The US Congress Affirms That Cuba Uses Illegal Immigration To ‘Infiltrate Spies’ and ‘Export Dissent’

14ymedio, Havana, 26 August 2024 — The US Congress assumes that the Havana regime uses illegal immigration “as a weapon to saturate the US border, benefit from international smuggling, export dissent, infiltrate spies and strengthen a black market economy.” The statement is part of Resolution 1358, whose text was presented on July 11 by Republican … Continue reading “The US Congress Affirms That Cuba Uses Illegal Immigration To ‘Infiltrate Spies’ and ‘Export Dissent’”