Maduro’s Government Seeks To ‘Terrify’ Public Employees, Says María Corina Machado

“Much sooner than some believe, you will all be able to express yourselves freely,” said the Venezuelan opponent.

Political leaders and organizations have denounced unjustified dismissals of public employees / EFE

14ymedio biggerEFE (via 14ymedio), 22 August 2024, Caracas — Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado said on Wednesday that the Government of Nicolás Maduro seeks to “terrify” public employees so that they do not express themselves against chavismo. “They have spied on your social networks, your privacy, checked your phone. This is monstrous, and what they are looking for, what they intend, is to terrify public employees, isolate them, paralyze them all,” said the former deputy, who defends the electoral triumph of her standard-bearer, Edmundo González Urrutia.

In a “message to public employees” disseminated on social networks, Machado urged these workers to “help each other,” despite the fact that “the regime wants to sow distrust” among them, in the midst of the political crisis that the country is going through, with post-election protests and police operations that resulted in 25 deaths and 2,400 detainees, according to state sources.

“Get ready, because change is inevitable. Much sooner than some believe, you will all be able to express yourselves freely,” said Machado, after political leaders and organizations denounced “unjustified dismissals” of public employees for allegedly supporting the opposition in the elections.

Machado urged these workers to “help each other,” despite the fact that “the regime wants to sow distrust” among them

“We understand the anguish you feel today when you cannot openly express and share with us your conviction that this regime that has brought much corruption and must come to an end. We understand your fears, because this regime is ruthless,” she added.

The coalition that backs González Urrutia, the Democratic United Platform (PUD), states that its candidate won the presidential elections by a wide margin. They also published 83% of the electoral results to reinforce this claim, which has been supported by several countries and national and international organizations.

However, the National Electoral Council (CNE) proclaimed Maduro the winner, without publishing the disaggregated results, something that was expected in the election schedule, and which has been demanded by a large part of the international community.

Translated by Regina Anavy


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