Human Rights in Crisis and the Closure of Civic Space in Cuba / CUBALEX

Cubalex, 20 June 2024– Latin America faces serious human rights challenges, including social crises, closure of civic space, criminalisation of protests, persecution of journalists, repression, intimidation and harassment of critical voices that differ from or oppose power structures. These issues, among others, are evidence of a regional emergency.

In this context, and in the framework of the 54th General Assembly of the Organisation of American States (OAS), the Latin American Human Rights Consortium (HRC) is convening the event “Human Rights as a Pillar of Hemispheric Security in the Americas”, to be held on 26 June in Asunción, Paraguay.

At the meeting, participants will analyse in depth the social, political and economic crises affecting several countries in the region, with a particular focus on Cuba, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Cubalex will present the report “Closure of civic space in Cuba”, which analyses how the state has implemented a systematic mechanism of harassment against civil society, with the aim of preventing the active participation of citizens in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the country.

 See details of the Cubalex report.

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Translated by GH