The laws are used by some citizens today like waste paper. If we take as an example the acts of repudiation — where citizens gather and scream at and even physically attack their fellow citizens or their homes — surely they would change their minds. To those who by Law are allowed to engage in this type of act.
If we describe the acts that are undertaken and that enjoy immunity, we don’t think about murder, manslaughter or robbery, because these are addressed in our Cuban Penal Code. We refer to violations and crimes that emerge from these illicit acts.
These acts of repudiation are an illegal act and to maintain a permissive attitude towards them is intentional. The act of repudiation could entail multiple crimes, such as public disorder, injury, threats, violation of the home; all with a high social danger.
According to the text of the Constitution we are all obligated to remain in strict compliance with the law. Of course, if would be utopian and excessively confident to let the Governing Council of the People’s Supreme Court resolve this problem as long as it is not independent of the Executive Power.
If, indeed, in their role to administer justice and to ensure compliance with the law, the courts and prosecutors are those who allow these illicit and immoral actions to arise, and thus they confirm the suspicion of many that “the country is ungovernable.” With contempt for the law we ask a question: What is a country without laws?
The Organs of State Security belong to the Ministry of the Interior, which acts without impunity, sparing no expense. What happens is considered “collateral damage,” and in this way any injuries are justified.
The Cuban Penal Code in its first article defines as one of its objectives to contribute to developing in all citizens the conscience of respect for the law, of doing one’s duties, and of correctly observing the norms of coexistence.
In our criminal legislation there is no specific article that criminalizes this reprehensible act and hence the degrading acts against “the most dangerous for the Country,” are without an doubt the work of many in a country located on Mars.
As a starting point, we must internalize how difficult it is to create a true nation, with respect for the others, and forgetting all that visceral hatred for those who think differently. However, despite all the force of the government, every day the number of people who want change, but who out of fear don’t demand it, is growing.
August 18 2012