The Cuban government sponsored blog Herlado Cubano is trying to intimidate Rosa Maria Paya in a recent post in which it criticizes the allegations Oswaldo Paya’s daughter had made about his death. The official blogger, who goes by the name Arthur Gonzalez, said that for accusing the Cuban government for being behind the death of the opponent Oswaldo Paya, Rosa Maria Paya could be indicted for false accusations, a crime under article 154 of the Penal code, which provides penalties from six months to two years in prison.
“It is not appropriate for Rosa Maria and her mother Ofelia Acevedo, with complete impunity, to accuse and defame the Cuban state; Cuban Institutions can also exercise their right and bring their accusations. Whoever plays with fire is going to get burned,” writes the blogger.
Paya just returned to Cuba after several months in different European countries and the United States to build support for the opening of an international investigation into the death of her father.
From Punt de Vista, the blog of Joan Antoni Guerrero Vall
27 April 2013