On Monday the ExpresArte in Freedom project announced the results of its first contest for literature and art, “Cuba 2020,” in which the contestants participated with essays and images (illustrations, caricatures, graphic designs, etc.) about the way they imagine life on the Island in 2020.
Adults and young people living in Cuba were invited to participate with their points of view about any aspect of Cuban life 2020. The winners were selected on the basis of creativity, originality and quality of their work by a jury made up of international experts.
Adult Category (Literature)
First Place: “Kabbalahs for an imagined Cuba.”
Second Place: “Delirium”
Juvenile Category (Literature)
First Place: “Memoirs of a dissident (fragments).”
Second Place: “Cuba 2020″ and “Cuba-Freedom.”
Adult Category (Art)
First Place: “Cuba in the skin” and “Heaven desired.”
Second Place: “AOT … After our time”
Juvenile Category (Art)
Firs Place: “The chains are broken.”
Second Place: “Intensive care” and “A Free and Prosperous Cuba.”
The winners will be awarded with the publication of their work. Furthermore, in the adult division, the first place in each category will receive 500 CUC in cash and the second place 300 CUC. In the youth division, the first place in each category will receive a laptop computer and the second place, an iPod Touch with five digital books or five movies. The authors and artists will be informed by the organizers via email.
February 5 2013