Cuban Exile in Miami Urges a Declaration of ‘Void’ for the Constitutional Referendum in Cuba

EFE, via 14ymedio, Miami, February 25, 2019 — Opposition and Cuban exile organizations called on the international community today to declare the process of constitutional reform in Cuba invalid and to ignore the official results of the “fraudulent” referendum of Sunday. Rosa María Payá, the leader of the Cuba Decides movement, told EFE that the process … Continue reading “Cuban Exile in Miami Urges a Declaration of ‘Void’ for the Constitutional Referendum in Cuba”

Polling Stations Open for Referendum on New Constitution

14ymedio, Havana, 24 February 2019 — Starting at seven in the morning this Sunday, more than 25,000 polling stations opened for Cubans to vote in the referendum on the new Constitution. On a warm morning in which official nervousness can be felt in the wide police presence in the streets, more than 8 million Cubans … Continue reading “Polling Stations Open for Referendum on New Constitution”

Cuba: Constitutional Referendum, Food Shortage And Social Unrest / Ivan Garcia

Iván García, 28 January 2019 – When they saw that a ramshackle GAZ 52 Soviet-era truck was parked at the entrance to the Monaco market, in the neighborhood of La Víbora, south of Havana, and began unloading boxes of eggs, a long line quickly formed. The crowd, made up of housewives, retirees, workers in the area … Continue reading “Cuba: Constitutional Referendum, Food Shortage And Social Unrest / Ivan Garcia”

Police Raid Unpacu Headquarters in Response to Their No Campaign on the Constitutional Referendum

14ymedio, Havana, February 11, 2019 — The opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer was detained for more than five hours this Monday along with several members of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu). The detentions occurred during the police raid of the headquarters of the opposition organization and the homes of activists in Santiago de Cuba starting … Continue reading “Police Raid Unpacu Headquarters in Response to Their No Campaign on the Constitutional Referendum”

The Government Will Set Up 195 Special Polling Places For The Constitutional Referendum

EFE, via 14ymedio, Havana, February 5, 2019 — Cuba will set up 195 special polling places in transport facilities, hotels, and other spaces for voting in the referendum on the new constitution that will be held on February 24, official media reported this Monday. The special polling places will be set up in bus and … Continue reading “The Government Will Set Up 195 Special Polling Places For The Constitutional Referendum”

Detentions of Activists Promoting No on the Constitutional Referendum Increase

14ymedio, Havana, February 4, 2019 — The Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH), headquartered in Madrid, has denounced this Monday the “growing aggression of the police against activists demonstrating peacefully for the No vote on the [referendum on the] Constitution” coinciding with the presentation of the report of arbitrary detentions in January. Their count of … Continue reading “Detentions of Activists Promoting No on the Constitutional Referendum Increase”

Cubans Abroad will March for Their Rights and the "No" Vote in the Constitutional Referendum

14ymedio, Havana, January 16, 2019 — A group of Cuban opponents, including Eliécer Ávila, have convened a march for Saturday, January 26, in front of the Cuban embassy in Washington to request a No vote in the constitutional referendum of this coming February 24th. Several organizations of Cubans living in other countries have decided to … Continue reading “Cubans Abroad will March for Their Rights and the "No" Vote in the Constitutional Referendum”

Final Text Published of Cuban Constitution That Will Go To A Referendum on 24 February

14ymedio, Havana, 5 January 2018 — This Saturday the official media has published the final text of the new Constitution that will go to referendum on February 24. The document comes to light 15 days after it was approved by the National Assembly pf People’s Power during its last session in 2018. The final text again includes the term … Continue reading “Final Text Published of Cuban Constitution That Will Go To A Referendum on 24 February”

Supporters and Opponents of Gay Marriage Both See a Government Maneuver on the Constitution Referendum

14ymedio, Havana, December 19, 2018 — Religious groups that were pleased by the announcement of the National Assembly’s announcement that Article 68, which would open the door to marriage equality, would be removed from the constitutional reform, have announced this Wednesday their intention to mobilize against the Government’s project to include, within two years, that … Continue reading “Supporters and Opponents of Gay Marriage Both See a Government Maneuver on the Constitution Referendum”

Three Opposition Organizations Describe the Referendum on Constitutional Reform as "Enormous Fraud"

14ymedio, Havana, 21 September 2018 — The United Antitotalitarian Forum (FANTU) together with the National Front of Civic Resistance “Orlando Zapata Tamayo” (FNRC-OZT) and the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) describe the referendum on constitutional reform as a “huge electoral and media fraud” in a joint statement that the three opposition organizations have launched to … Continue reading “Three Opposition Organizations Describe the Referendum on Constitutional Reform as "Enormous Fraud"”

Cuban Exiles Will Not Be Able to Vote on the Referendum on the New Family Code

14ymedio, Havana, 17 September 2022 — Cuban emigrants will not be able to participate in the referendum on the new Family Code, despite the fact that the Government has disguised this exclusion by stating that it has 1,000 polling stations and 124 constituencies abroad. In the official TV program Mesa Redonda [Roundtable] airing this Thursday, … Continue reading “Cuban Exiles Will Not Be Able to Vote on the Referendum on the New Family Code”

A Poisoned Referendum on Cuba’s New Family Code

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 15 September 2022 — There are about ten days left before the third referendum promoted by those who have been governing in Cuba for more than 62 years. The first occurred in 1976, to approve the first Constitution of the Republic drafted by the Communist Party; the second, in 2019, when … Continue reading “A Poisoned Referendum on Cuba’s New Family Code”

I Have No Confidence in the Cuban Constitution / Cubalex, Julio Alfredo Ferrer Tamayo

Cubalex, Lic. Julio Alfredo Ferrer Tamayo, 13 November 2019  — Unfortunately, in the Cuban legal context, there is no Constitutional Tribunal, or, to put it another way, there are no constitutional guarantees. Along with many lawyers, non-lawyers, and legislators as well, I was hoping for a change. Along with other colleagues, I had confidence in the … Continue reading “I Have No Confidence in the Cuban Constitution / Cubalex, Julio Alfredo Ferrer Tamayo”

A New Constitution and "Preparing for the Worst" on the Economy, Says Raul Castro

14ymedio, Havana, 10 April 2019 — The proclamation, this Wednesday, of the new Constitution of the Republic of Cuba was accompanied by the bad news that the ex-president Raúl Castro was commissioned to announce in a speech before the National Assembly. He warned that the country faces “additional difficulties and that the situation could worsen … Continue reading “A New Constitution and "Preparing for the Worst" on the Economy, Says Raul Castro”

The Referendum Hangover

14ymedio, Marcelo Hernández, Havana, March 7, 2019 — After Sunday, February 24 and after finishing the constitutional referendum, everyday life seems to have entered a kind of impasse. On the walls, public stores, and billboards of the city, you can still see the signs asking you to vote Yes with which the government filled every … Continue reading “The Referendum Hangover”