‘Patria y Vida’ — Homeland and Life — Will Be the Motto of the Cuban Team That Will Be Formed by Exiled Baseball Players

14ymedio, Havana, December 6, 2023 — “Patria y Vida” [Homeland and Life], the freedom motto that became the anthem of the 11 July 2021 ’11J’ protests inside and outside the Island, has been taken up by the Cuban Professional Baseball Federation (Fepcube) to identify the team of exiled baseball players that will participate in the … Continue reading “‘Patria y Vida’ — Homeland and Life — Will Be the Motto of the Cuban Team That Will Be Formed by Exiled Baseball Players”

Cuban Composers of “Patria y Vida” — Homeland and Life — Will Receive the Medal of Freedom

EFE (via 14ymedio), Miami, August 16, 2022 — The composers of the song Patria y Vida will be recognized with the Medal of Freedom that will be awarded to them by the Latino Composers Hall of Fame (LCHOF) at the welcome gala for its new members, which will be held on October 13 in south Florida. … Continue reading “Cuban Composers of “Patria y Vida” — Homeland and Life — Will Receive the Medal of Freedom”

Dozens of Activists Demonstrate in Old Havana, Shouting “Patria y Vida” (Homeland and Life)

14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 30 April 2021 — Dozens of activists were repressed in a protest in the park on the corner of Obispo and Aguacate, in Old Havana. The protesters were trying to reach the home of Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, only a few blocks away. The artist is on his sixth day of a … Continue reading “Dozens of Activists Demonstrate in Old Havana, Shouting “Patria y Vida” (Homeland and Life)”

“Homeland and Life”: The Hymn That Calls For Reason

14ymedio, Raudel García Bringas, Washington, 21 February 2021 — “Homeland and Life” has been, by far, the most popular news in the official Cuban media in its futile desire to annihilate the performers of this great music video, the same people who have been successful representatives of national music for years. Could one think that they … Continue reading ““Homeland and Life”: The Hymn That Calls For Reason”

Marrero Blames Private Businesses for the State Deficit and Praises Forced Sales for Violations of Capped Prices

According to the Prime Minister, private individuals evaded 50 billion* pesos, and 354 sales of ’hidden’ products had to be forced 14ymedio, Madrid, July 18, 2024 — We could not expect anything other than a long list of economic penalties from Prime Minister Manuel Marrero’s intervention this Wednesday in Parliament, in which he evaluated the … Continue reading “Marrero Blames Private Businesses for the State Deficit and Praises Forced Sales for Violations of Capped Prices”

Exiles and Legislators in the United States Call for the Release of Cuba’s Political Prisoners Three Years After 11J

The Assembly of the Cuban Resistance echoed the letter entitled “Nosotros Somos Plantados,” written by three prisoners EFE (via 14ymedio), Washington, 12 July 2024 — Members of Congress and Cuban exile organizations in the United States asked this Thursday, on the third anniversary of the historic anti-government demonstrations of 11J in Cuba, for the release … Continue reading “Exiles and Legislators in the United States Call for the Release of Cuba’s Political Prisoners Three Years After 11J”

Blackouts of More Than 12 Hours in Cuba, Hopeless Heat, Lack of Fuel and Out-of-Service Power Plants

14ymedio, Havana, May 8, 2024 — There was no need for the Electric Union of Cuba (UNE) to say this Wednesday, in its usual forecast, that yesterday “the service was affected due to a deficit of generation capacity for 24 hours.” The inhabitants of a third of the Island were able to feel it in … Continue reading “Blackouts of More Than 12 Hours in Cuba, Hopeless Heat, Lack of Fuel and Out-of-Service Power Plants”

Two Years of Harassment and Pressure for Writing ‘Patria y Vida’ on Her House for the 11 July 2021 Protests

14ymedio, Havana, 23 April 2024 — Three words in blue ink – Patria y Vida… Homeland and Life – written on the facade of her house were enough for Sandra Hernández to understand State Security’s speedy response even in small towns like hers. After the island-wide protests of 11 July 2021 (11J), there was not … Continue reading “Two Years of Harassment and Pressure for Writing ‘Patria y Vida’ on Her House for the 11 July 2021 Protests”

For a Second Day Protestors in El Cobre, Cuba, Demand the Release of Three Detainees

14ymedio, Havana, 18 March 2024 — For the second day in a row, dozens of people gathered in front of a police station in El Cobre, a town in Santiago de Cuba province. The Cuban government and the Foreign Ministry, however, are pushing another narrative. They attribute the protest to interference from Washington and have … Continue reading “For a Second Day Protestors in El Cobre, Cuba, Demand the Release of Three Detainees”

Residents of Santiago de Cuba Take to the Streets, Demanding Electricity and Food

14ymedio, Havana, 17 March 2024 — After several days of extended power outages and weeks-long shortages of basic rations, thousands of Santiago residents took to the streets on Sunday, shouting “electricity and food… freedom… homeland and life” and “We are hungry.” The crowd was concentrated on Carretera del Morro, close to several popular and humble … Continue reading “Residents of Santiago de Cuba Take to the Streets, Demanding Electricity and Food”

Cubans ‘Eat Fear’ Again and Take to the Streets to Protest

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Havana, 18 March 2024 — When they woke up yesterday — Sunday — none of the Cubans who demonstrated this March 17 imagined that, a few hours later, they would be in the streets shouting Freedom! The morning passed between blackouts and difficulties finding food, but, by the afternoon, the indignation had escalated to a … Continue reading “Cubans ‘Eat Fear’ Again and Take to the Streets to Protest”

The Cuban ‘Paquetazo’ Moves to the Rhythm of Russian Demands

14ymedio, Yoani Sánchez, Generation Y, Havana, 29 February 2024 — Lavrov, Patrushev and Titov. We Cubans get lost among so many surnames of high-ranking Russian officials who arrive in Cuba. The procession, which has grown in number and frequency in recent months, coincides with official announcements of economic measures. It is very difficult to remove the Kremlin from the … Continue reading “The Cuban ‘Paquetazo’ Moves to the Rhythm of Russian Demands”

THE HOMELAND BELONGS TO US ALL – Cuban Dissidence Task Group 1997 – Historic Document

THE HOMELAND BELONGS TO US ALL  Cuban Dissidence Task Group Havana City, June 27, 1997 INTRODUCTION I – HISTORICAL INTERPRETATION II- IN THE NAME OF UNITY III- THE MAIN OBJECTIVE IV – THE PLAN FOR SOLVING THE CRISIS V – CONCLUSIONS VI – RECOMMENDATIONS Original in Spanish here Authors: Felix Antonio Bonne Carcasses, Rene Gomez Manzano, Vladimiro Roca Antunez, Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello Translated … Continue reading “THE HOMELAND BELONGS TO US ALL – Cuban Dissidence Task Group 1997 – Historic Document”

The Urgency of Releasing Political Prisoners in Cuba and What We Can Do About It

14ymedio, Frank Calzón, Miami, 19 February 2024 –The decision of Cuba’s Assembly of People’s Power to ignore a petition for political amnesty was taken by the Communist Party of Cuba and must motivate the opposition within the country and free Cubans abroad to redouble their efforts, until the regime frees those in prison. In addition, … Continue reading “The Urgency of Releasing Political Prisoners in Cuba and What We Can Do About It”