Estado De Sats Holds Workshop On Rights And Freedoms / Cubanet, Arturo Rojas Rodriguez

Cubanet, Arturo Rojas Rodriguez, Havana, 12 February 2016 – On Thursday, members of several opposition groups participated in the first “Rights and Freedoms” workshop. The event brought together twenty participants and took place at Havana’s Miramar neighborhood. Sponsored by Estado de Sats (State of Sats), those present included Berta Soler, leader of the Ladies in White. … Continue reading “Estado De Sats Holds Workshop On Rights And Freedoms / Cubanet, Arturo Rojas Rodriguez”

Antonio G. Rodiles of Estado de Sats Arrested and Beaten / Hablemos Press, Arian Guerra Perez

Hablemos Press, Arian Guerra Pérez, Havana, 6 July, 2015 – Political activist Antonio G. Rodiles, director of Estado de SATS, was beaten this Sunday by Cuban State Security agents, according to activist sources. Rodiles had to have surgery at General Calixto García University Hospital in Havana because of the fracture, said Ailer María González Mena, … Continue reading “Antonio G. Rodiles of Estado de Sats Arrested and Beaten / Hablemos Press, Arian Guerra Perez”

Estado de Sats… for our Spanish-speaking viewers

Unfortunately we do not have the resources to translate and subtitle all the wonderful videos coming out of Estado de Sats and the Forum for Rights and Freedom, but for our many readers who do understand spoken Spanish, we just wanted to remind you they are there. This particular video is a discussion of the … Continue reading “Estado de Sats… for our Spanish-speaking viewers”

Forum for Rights and Freedoms / Estado de Sats (see endnote)

Announcements made by United States President Barack Obama and his administration have sparked an intense controversy about the Cuban conflict. Many opponents and civil society activists, within the island and in exile, have lamented, especially, the lack of transparency and the unilateral and unconditional nature of the new measures. It is indisputable and indispensable that … Continue reading “Forum for Rights and Freedoms / Estado de Sats (see endnote)”

A Light for My Loved Ones / Estado de Sats

“Una luz por los míos” / Collective Action To all Cubans July 13 marks the 20th anniversay of the 13th-of-March* tugboat crime against a boat that carried 72 Cubans, sunk by the Cuban regime off the Havana Bay to prevent their escaping to the United States coast. This criminal action cost the lives of 41 people, … Continue reading “A Light for My Loved Ones / Estado de Sats”

State Security Summons Estado de Sats Members to “Warn” Them About “For Another Cuba” Graffiti

Several members of Estado de Sats were summoned by State Security to a Havana police station this Saturday, to “warn” them about the Grafiti Colectivo Por otra Cuba, organized by the independent project for this Sunday, to support the campaign demanding that the Government ratify the United Nations covenants that it signed in 2008. “They … Continue reading “State Security Summons Estado de Sats Members to “Warn” Them About “For Another Cuba” Graffiti”

GUSANO (Worm) – A Video from Estado de SATS

If the video doesn’t appear try this link. If you don’t see the subtitles — start the video and then, on the bottom right, there will be a little “CC” box. Click there and ENGLISH will appear and the subtitles will show up. If an ad appears on the screen, close it and the subtitles … Continue reading “GUSANO (Worm) – A Video from Estado de SATS”

Repression at Estado de SATS (Video)

This video was taken in the street outside the home of Antonio Rodiles, which is also the headquarters of Estado de SATS, where a Conference on Human Rights was being held in honor or World Human Rights Day. The man in the blue shirt with glasses is Antonio Rodiles, director of Estado de SATS. The … Continue reading “Repression at Estado de SATS (Video)”

Antonio Rodiles Arrested With Extreme Violence / Estado de SATS

From Agents of the State Security (the political police) just kidnapped Antonio Rodiles, leader of the independent social-cultural group Estado de SATS, using extreme violence, according to what could be learned from the activist and journalist Camilo Ernesto Olivera. Rodiles stepped a few yards off his property to ask some schoolchildren to stop painting … Continue reading “Antonio Rodiles Arrested With Extreme Violence / Estado de SATS”

First International Meeting on Human Rights and UN Covenants / Estado de Sats, For Another Cuba

The independent Estado de SATS project in collaboration with New Country Forum and the Cuban Human Rights Observatory (OCDH), invites invites artists, intellectuals, activists and defenders of human rights to participate in the First International Meeting on Human Rights and the UN Covenants as a part of the Campaign for Another Cuba and the 65th … Continue reading “First International Meeting on Human Rights and UN Covenants / Estado de Sats, For Another Cuba”

Estado de Sats Presents “Notebooks for the Transition” in the Midst of a Police Operation

Saturday morning Estado de Sats presented the first issue of their magazine “Handbooks for the Transition” despite a political operation to prevent the audience from arriving; several activists were detained, Antonio Rodiles, director of the independent project, informed Diario de Cuba According to Rodiles, Gabriel Barrenechea, a member of the magazine’s editorial board, and Andrés … Continue reading “Estado de Sats Presents “Notebooks for the Transition” in the Midst of a Police Operation”

Estado de SATS Conference on UN Human Rights Covenants / Estato de SATS

FIRST INTERNATIONAL MEETING Human Rights and the United Nations Covenants 10-11 December, Havana, Cuba Celebrating the 65th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Thematic panels/ Audiovisual displays ‘ Exposition / Theater / Concert *Translator’s note: BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!