A Boar Hunting Giant African Snails Passes Through Havana

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 28 August 2024 — The boar moves freely through the streets of Luyanó, in Havana. As if he knew that this December 31 his life has been spared – he still has many pigs to fertilize and piglets to see grow – he calmly sniffs the grass on the sidewalks … Continue reading “A Boar Hunting Giant African Snails Passes Through Havana”

Sancti Spíritus, the Cuban Capital of the Giant African Snail

14ymedio, Mercedes García, Havana, 21 December 2023 — Although the issue has ceased to appear in the official press, the presence of the giant African snail continues to spread through Cuba, and the economic crisis makes it almost impossible to combat it, due to the lack of resources and fuel. In Sancti Spíritus, the plague … Continue reading “Sancti Spíritus, the Cuban Capital of the Giant African Snail”

Threat of Giant African Snail Reappears in Cuba’s Official Press

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 14 November 2017 — “Have you come about the Giant African snails?” the residents of the Santa Amalia neighborhood ask any stranger who walks through their streets and seems to be looking for something. People have become increasingly alarmed after the publication, this Sunday, of a reader’s letter sent to the Juventud … Continue reading “Threat of Giant African Snail Reappears in Cuba’s Official Press”

At the 26th Avenue Havana Zoo Only the Harmful African Snails Are in Good Health

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 23 November 2022 — The scenario at the 26th Avenue Zoo in Havana, a year after it reopened its doors after the forced closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is more depressing than ever. Malnourished animals, without water, with their pens full of dirt and excrement, are the general trend, … Continue reading “At the 26th Avenue Havana Zoo Only the Harmful African Snails Are in Good Health”

Cojimar, Hemingway’s Village in Cuba, is Full of African Snails

14ymedio, Havana, 11 October 2018 — Cojímar, the town east of Havana that has been linked in literature and the collective imagination to the name of Ernest Hemingway, is now experiencing its own battle against the Giant African Snail. The invasive species, which has been spreading throughout the Island for the last four years, has found in … Continue reading “Cojimar, Hemingway’s Village in Cuba, is Full of African Snails”

With Dengue Fever and, In Addition, Beaten

14ymedio, Miriam Celaya, West Palm Beach | 4 October 2019 — Although health authorities have never declared it a national epidemic, it is no secret to anyone that dengue fever has not only become endemic throughout the Island — with recurrent outbreaks that tend to get worse every summer — but that statistical data on those infected … Continue reading “With Dengue Fever and, In Addition, Beaten”

Cuba: The Challenge of Practicing Journalism in a Dictatorship

Independent media in Cuba are the vanguard of the process of building democracy 14ymedio, May 22, 2024 — Being a journalist is not being an activist. Journalism is not called to the ranks of any political party or ideology, but rather to report facts of general interest that prove that they are true, and with … Continue reading “Cuba: The Challenge of Practicing Journalism in a Dictatorship”

Cuban Authorities Maintain Secrecy About Avian Flu at Havana’s 26th Avenue Zoo

14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 16 February 2023 — “You approach and it seems nice, a green rectangle, but it immediately jumps out that it’s a place with many hidden things,” says María Elena Valdivia, designer and neighbor of the 26th Avenue Zoo in Havana, the place where lions roar and the first case of … Continue reading “Cuban Authorities Maintain Secrecy About Avian Flu at Havana’s 26th Avenue Zoo”

A Day for the Fight Against Dengue Fever

14ymedio, Jancel Moreno, Havana, 27 August 2019 —  It’s called “bonebreak fever” because it causes severe pain.  This August 26th is International Day for the Fight Against Dengue. Despite the intense official campaign against this disease, secrecy and lack of transparency have weighed against the information citizens receive about the virus. The economic crisis of … Continue reading “A Day for the Fight Against Dengue Fever”

Football Hangover / 14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez

Gone is the last game, the German goal, Götze’s hands raising the 2014 Brazil World Cup. Gone are the get togethers with friends, wrapped in the flag of Italy or Costa Rica, to go see the games in some public place. Some of the excitement remains, it’s true, but the roar that ran through Havana … Continue reading “Football Hangover / 14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez”