The Ordering Task* and the Law of Gravity

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 12 December 2022 — In February 1970, while doing my work as a journalist (still a student) to cover the sugar harvest in the municipality of Florida, I attended an important meeting chaired by Armando Hart Dávalos, the member of the Political Bureau assigned to guarantee the goal corresponding to the … Continue reading “The Ordering Task* and the Law of Gravity”

Marino Murillo Disrupts Tabacuba’s ‘Ordering Tasks’* and Leaves Cigarette Production at 47 Percent

14ymedio, Madrid, 2 August 2022 — When Marino Murillo was appointed president of Tabacuba in November 2021, many Cubans reacted with irony. “I hope he won’t ‘Re-order’ Tabacuba, or we’ll run out of cigarettes,” one reader wrote, joking in reference to the so-called ‘Ordering Task’* which is affecting broad elements of the Cuban economy. The … Continue reading “Marino Murillo Disrupts Tabacuba’s ‘Ordering Tasks’* and Leaves Cigarette Production at 47 Percent”

Cuban Soft Drink Can Factories, Another Victim of the ‘Ordering Task’

14ymedio, Havana, June 9, 2022 — Since the beginning of January, the official press has reported the lack of cans and containers for soft drinks in Los Portales, the main company on the island, associated with Nestlé. The factory, which renovated its machinery in 2018 after a Swiss investment, went from 278 million units that … Continue reading “Cuban Soft Drink Can Factories, Another Victim of the ‘Ordering Task’”

Cuba’s ‘Ordering Task’ Triples the Price of Milk and Cheese in Sancti Spiritus

14ymedio, Havana, 19 January 2022 — The price of fresh cheese, or frescal, as they call it in Sancti Spíritus, has increased three or four times since November, and that of ice cream has doubled. People are very upset, according to an article in the Escambray newspaper on Tuesday, asking those responsible for the industry what has … Continue reading “Cuba’s ‘Ordering Task’ Triples the Price of Milk and Cheese in Sancti Spiritus”

Cuba: Marino Murillo, the Man who Sowed Chaos With the ‘Ordering Task’

14ymedio, Havana, 30 December 2021 — Marino Murillo has caused many annoyances, both to ordinary Cubans and to his own home, the Communist Party. In charge of designing the major economic changes that came into force this year — for which the foreign press saddled him with the nickname of reform czar — and architect … Continue reading “Cuba: Marino Murillo, the Man who Sowed Chaos With the ‘Ordering Task’”

Faced With the Failure of its ‘Ordering Task’, the Cuban Government Talks About ‘Rectification’

14ymedio, Havana, 13 December 2021 — There will be changes to correct the deficiencies of the failed Tarea Ordenamiento (Ordering Task), which was planned for more than ten years and whose execution even the Cuban authorities themselves consider catastrophic. In his 2021 accountability report, presented this weekend, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero admits that “the objective of this … Continue reading “Faced With the Failure of its ‘Ordering Task’, the Cuban Government Talks About ‘Rectification’”

‘Cubadebate’ Removes the Ordering Task Survey From its Website

14ymedio, Havana, 4 March 2021 — Cubans interested in the survey carried out by the State website Cubadebate, which garnered much success among readers, should consult the independent media to find out what the people of the island really think about the “Ordering Task*” (Tarea ordenamiento) and the dramatic economic situation in the country. The survey, activated this Monday … Continue reading “‘Cubadebate’ Removes the Ordering Task Survey From its Website”

Tabacuba Is Committed to a Harvest of 25,500 Tons and Income of 300 Million Dollars

The joint venture Habanos S.A., 50% owned by Spain, earned 721 million dollars in 2023 14ymedio, Havana, 23 September 2024 — The authorities estimate 300 million dollars to be the amount received each year by the Cuban State thanks to tobacco, according to a note published this Monday in the State newspaper Granma. It reports … Continue reading “Tabacuba Is Committed to a Harvest of 25,500 Tons and Income of 300 Million Dollars”

For the United States, Cuba ‘Is Not a Strategic Issue,’ but It Bets on Its ‘Implosion’

Former Cuban ambassador to Washington, José Ramón Cabañas, describes the relationship between the two countries as “a war scenario” EFE/Juan Palop (via 14ymedio), Havana, August 26, 2024 — Cuba is used to “sailing in turbulent waters,” says José Ramón Cabañas, director of the official Center for Foreign Policy Research (CIPI) of Cuba, when asked in … Continue reading “For the United States, Cuba ‘Is Not a Strategic Issue,’ but It Bets on Its ‘Implosion’”

The Celebration of a Bloody Failure / Cubanet, Luis Cino

It is an aberration that the Moncada carnage, which began a nightmare that seems endless after 65 years of dictatorship, became a national holiday. Cubanet, Luis Cino, Havana, 26 July 2024 — A few days ago, writing in 14ymedio, Yunior García Aguilera recalled when Fidel Castro, appearing on a State TV “Roundtable” [Mesa Redonda] segment … Continue reading “The Celebration of a Bloody Failure / Cubanet, Luis Cino”

Cuban Government Describes as Ineffective and Harmful the 30% Profit Cap on Sales from the Private Sector to the State

Economist Pedro Monreal points out that this measure “entails the risk of corrupt markets.” 14ymedio, Madrid, 28 June 2024 — Cuba’s private sector will be able to obtain a maximum profit of 30% on the goods and services it sells to the State as of July 1. This Thursday, the Cuban Government made public a resolution … Continue reading “Cuban Government Describes as Ineffective and Harmful the 30% Profit Cap on Sales from the Private Sector to the State”

Private Businesses in Cuba Hide the Chicken and Other Products To Avoid the Capped Prices

State foreign exchange shops sell the same items at more expensive prices 14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez/Olea Gallardo, Havana, 3 July 2024 — A day after the new measures announced by the Government on June 27, which establish a maximum profit margin of 30% on private sales to the State, it is not yet known with … Continue reading “Private Businesses in Cuba Hide the Chicken and Other Products To Avoid the Capped Prices”

Without Explanation, the Established Price Caps Are Canceled for the Private Sector in Cuba

The measure was due to come into effect on Monday for chicken, sausages, oil, spaghetti, powdered milk and detergent. 14ymedio, Havana, 1 July 2024 — As of this Monday, the prices capped for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) should be a reality. At least in the municipality of Plaza de la Revolución (Havana), in … Continue reading “Without Explanation, the Established Price Caps Are Canceled for the Private Sector in Cuba”

Cuba’s Military Officials Running GAESA Have Destroyed the Economy, Claims Cuba Siglo 21

A report published by the organization points to the military-run conglomerate as the main cause of inflation, blaming it for putting its interests before those of the nation. 14ymedio, Madrid, 20 May 2024 — War has been declared on the Cuban economy but it is not being waged from a department within the CIA. Instead, … Continue reading “Cuba’s Military Officials Running GAESA Have Destroyed the Economy, Claims Cuba Siglo 21”

12 Historical Moments Reported Live by ’14ymedio’

1. The Announcement of the “Thaw” 2. Reopening of Embassies The next step to the thaw, as logical as it was historic, was the reopening of embassies in Washington and Havana. It was in the summer of 2015, under an inclement sun and in two events that brought together officials in the United States and curious … Continue reading “12 Historical Moments Reported Live by ’14ymedio’”