2021 in Cuba, the Year of the Collective Face

These names make up the convulsed and hopeful countenance of a changing nation. (Collage)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 24 December 2021 — Only a few times before has it been so difficult to compile this list with the 14 most relevant faces of the year in Cuba now ending. The twelve months that have elapsed so far have been marked by an infinity of events and thousands of protagonists who have shaped a 2021 that will be remembered for a long time. A wave of deaths due to covid-19, popular protests, extreme repression, musical soundtracks that shook an entire nation and the beginning of a new migratory exodus are some of the crucial moments that we have lived through.

The list that 14ymedio draws up every year-end has, on this occasion, a greater number of groups, movements and platforms. More than a list of figures, it is a collective face, to which many have added their imprint and have helped define its features. There will be those who miss a name, but those on the list make up the convulsed and hopeful countenance of a nation that is changing.

We present the anatomy of 2021.

1. Archipiélago: Yunior García, Saily González, Daniela Rojo, David Martínez

2.  Agent Fernando, a doctor at the service of State Security

3.  ‘Patria y Vida’, the latest anthem for the freedom of Cuba

4.  Luis Robles, the ‘young man with the placard’

5. Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, one year harassed by Cuban State Security

6. Silvio Rodríguez, in ambiguity until the end

7. The 11J prisoners, detained for shouting “freedom” in Cuba

8. Lines as an instrument of social control

9. The fleeing athletes

10. The generals RIP

11. Luis Alberto Rodríguez López-Calleja, the powerful son-in-law comes out of the shadows

12. Kenny Fernández Delgado, another rebel priest

13. The rebel doctors of Holguín: Manuel Guerra and others

14. Marino Murillo, the man who sowed chaos with ‘Ordering Task’


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