Their leaders always speak surrounded by flowers (as in the Kim Il Sung’s North Korea): decapitated flowers to perfume the death plague of so many tribunes and tribunals in the worst style of the Middle Ages (the Iranian calendar proves it), funeral flowers, fatuous gallows, coryza complicit with organized crime by a State which is assumed to be synonymous with God.

East, the Orient, a word round like a zero. Cuba also has its own. Its Near East. A province devastated from genetics to the Revolution. Iran also had theirs. Its unpopular populist revolution that put in power forever the beards who wear a suit but never a tie. A homophobic state in the full sense of the term human phobia, disgusted before history (Islam as Idyll building in the holy land which Allah rented us in the verses of the Koran).

Death has been raining cats and dogs in either East. That’s the price of being the birthplace of one or another Revolution. The carnage appears to be the spice pf justice in both Orients. And the Oriental woman could in no way be an exception. It would be to discriminate against them on behalf of the State or of God (Allah is not miserable, but merciful).

There is no worse ire then, than that of Iran against its fledgling citizenry, which is why it humiliates their bodies with punishment, so they criminalize desire, and for this Sakineh Ashtiani there in her gloomy Tabriz touches death on Wednesday in the cowardly face of the world.

It is no worse than Cuba, cut from the same cloth: which is why the prisons are full of natives, and dissent criminalized, so there is Reina Luisa Tamayo in barbaric Banes where they give her a hard time every Sunday (the particular day of the Lord) until the outcome is a disgrace. Another misfortune, because her son Orlando Zapata Tamayo died earlier in this year of 2010, among specialists from the Ministry of Interior who respected his penultimate will (that of a hunger striker), but not the first and the last (political prisoner pushed to the limit of his endurance.)

Stones against demonstrators. Stones against women. Stones against mothers. Stones to make death bloom, and so the executioners of God or of the State flood the sands of our Eastern gardens in blood, that liquid devalued since modernity (Marx as a contemporary of Muhammad) popularized the practice of transfusion.

XXI century democracies are haggard caricatures before such atrocious legislation. The paper holds all the indignation that they stoned you. The criminal codes of half the world feel sorry. But just enough to make it a better country. A base of stones and panics. Do not fear a crude death.

In this sense, Sakineh Ashtiani and Reina Luisa Tamayo are actually much more than adulterers: both have adulterated the founding of one or another nation. Pissed on the horror of one or another Orient. Believed in freedom for themselves and theirs, despite what is stipulated in the great rebellion, or perhaps in the great revelation of the sacred writings of Cuba and Iran.

Sakineh Ashtiani and Reina Luisa Tamayo did not believe in shutting up, or  hiding their scars and their pain. To what did these mothers aspire? To what did these women aspire. To what did these protesters aspire fearlessly? The two have just what they deserve.

Stones first. Later, the Constitutions of their respective countries generously guarantee that the flowers will not be lacking.

November 4, 2010