Journalism / Francis Sánchez

Saavedra Lazaro Gonzalez is a Cuban artist. His “interventions” on the email network with works from his “I-MEIL Gallery” often bring to the debate a quick dose of honesty, coherence and force, for which the national intellectual camp always seems unprepared. This is his “Journalism,” received in my in-box on January 28, as an offering for José Martí’s 158th birthday.

1 – Boss, there’s some guy outside called José Martí who says he wants to start a newspaper and give it the name “Fatherland.” What should I tell him?
2 – HA HA HA HA. Fuck! I’m pissing myself! A newspaper?! Tell him that if some day he gets an ISBN to come and see me… HA HA HA. A newspaper?
3 – Boss , Martí says you can stick the ISBN up your ass, that he’s going to start a blog called “Fatherland.” What should I tell him?
31 January 2011

Note: This post is from the blog Man in the Clouds, a translation of “Hombre en las nubes” which is being prepared for inclusion in and Soon you, the reader, will be able to help us translate this great blog.