Grammatical Errors / Rebeca Monzo

Glaring spelling and grammatical errors are common on my planet today. I think it’s cause, among other things, is the haste with which they have created teachers who, in most cases, have no vocation and see this as the only solution to their situation. They choose this option in part because they haven’t made good enough grades to go into other careers.

One of the most common grammatical errors is the misuse of prepositions. For example, when you say “the war OF all the people,” in reality what you want to say is “the war AGAINST all the people.” As you can see, this changes the meaning entirely.

We could mention many more examples, but the list would be endless.

A friend told me that her granddaughter, a studious girl from a family of professionals, told her sixth grade teacher that she had written on the blackboard the “revel” army, instead of the “rebel” army. The girl, exercising great prudence, asked permission to approach the teacher and whispered in her ear: “Ma’am, excuse me but “rebel” is spelled with a “B.” The student returned to her seat and at that moment the teacher, raising her voice, addressed the rest of the students saying, “Good grief, Taimí says that rebel is spelled with a b. It is written with the V of velde, “I love you velde,” like that Spanish poet.

The young girl in question was as red as a beet, and the rest of the students, right at the teacher’s face, broke into gales of laughter that cracked the walls of the neglected classroom.

Translator’s note: “velde” is not a word.

March 21 2011