A New Feature: Photos From Boring Home Utopics / Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Note from the site manager:

The link at the top of the sidebar that says “Cuba in Photos” takes you to the blog “Boring Home Utopics” where Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo — to my mind probably the best photographer working in Cuba today — posts his daily creations.  Another element of the BHU blog is a standing offer to Cubans in exile to take photos of the places that figure strongly in their memories of home, and post them, which has led to some very moving entries. Starting today, in a completely random fashion based on my own taste, suggestions from Orlando, and available time to post them, I intend to start posting periodic samples of BHU’s daily photos.  To see the rest, all you have to do is click on the link.

Photos: Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo
Posted: September 9, 2010